🕊 Outdoor Adventures with your Friendly Neighbourhood Pigeonman 2024 Edition!

Found something interesting


Nice Find @CADMAN thanks for Sharing that-one


The Mrs. and I had a Happle with bong by the :fire: last night as the sun set. :smiley:

We hope y’all had a great yesterday!



sitting around the fire with family & friends is one of life’s greatest pleasures,
to enjoy! :fire: :100: :fire:


Took some creeper :camera_flash: shots of the Shiskaberry 3F2 tonight.



not too bad for a creeper taking shots in the night. :laughing:.

looks ready to bust loose and go. :evergreen_tree:


Pigeonman: creeping around in the dark with a camera. Am I the only one who finds this suspicious?


You spelled erotic wrong @Foreigner !


Quite the lush garden all around @Pigeonman! Very nice :+1:


amazing … wish you were closer man, I’d love a garden tour come harvest time hehehe
Can’t get over the flower development at your latitude. I’m way further north and mine are just getting going after a thorough stretch. I’m hoping for 1/2 pound plants if I can get them to harvest. It’s a battle growing full season here and a huge gamble on my part. I’d move to a better growing climate but I love the north too much LOL


Sounds like you need to dig down and make a year round greenhouse with 1/2 of it underground for insulation.

Unless your water table is too high… no one wants an unplanned greenhouse pool.

Thanks for the love bud! You do great work and I’m happy to show if off with my Plant Ninjitsu.

:martial_arts_uniform: :seedling: :bowing_man:


My dream is a 30 x 60 x 14 or 16 high with either natural gas or wood pellet heating.
I could easily dig here but I would need permits to excavate as we are just above the lake and there are some district bylaws at play. I would need to get 5+ feet deep to get below the freeze point. Water is 75ft down as that is my well depth.


Is this what the pollen collector or separator is for?


Absolutely. I came to the conclusion that it’s gonna be 3-4x the work to press or bubble-hash the bulk of flower from this year alone let alone left-overs from last years. So after doing research and it being 50% off I said fuck-it and first round will be the NMHP chaff which is sitting in my freezer.

Onlly hiccup is the room temps; I want to do this at least under 18c and that’s only outside right now where the RH% is too high for me to want to risk it.

I’d do a test run in the garage but life has that as a fucking mess. There’s 2 months I’m missing from 2024: Jan = Covid, and Aug = supporting my sis and nieces due to my BIL’s double-stroke + aortic tear leaving him in a vegetative state.

So now I can put the bulk of the physical effort into the primo colas for flower smoke, freeze some A grade colas for fresh-frozen, dry other A grade for pressing, and over dry the bulk to run in the tumbler!



It rained off and on the last 24 hours and I can’t complain as I got a barrel of free water to work with :rofl: :+1:

One more feed which will be next weekend, these ladies are stacking but some are taking their time more than others.

The Shiskaberry 3F2 is the winner with stacking this year and will prob be the second plant ready for cropping after the Florida Ditch Weed: PEotTC which looks like a week or two away from the chop.

Alaska Thunderfuck: Finally stacking on the flowers and has minimal yellowing which I expect to pick-up soon.

Frankenstein: Of the 2 Frankies in the yard, this one is eating itself faster than the other. This plant has been plucked of yellow sinkers more than any other plant in the yard. Not a complaint as I get to see how big the colas are gonna get as I pluck away.

Coastal Blueberry: @SHSC-1 this thing keep stacking the beauty bruv. It’s minimally eating itself and it’s flowers are coming in evenly along it’s branches. Every leaf pluck come with a whiff of blueberries and it’s amazing.

UK Cheese: Both Mrs. P and I are floored with how this plant is expressing this year. It’s seriously happy; additionally it’s prob the second most yellowing plant in the yard but it’s still going until Mid October.

Florida Ditch Weed: Pink Eye of the Tiger Cut: Smells like cotton candy when you get close. The only reason you can’t smell it from 5 feet away is because it’s right next to the Shiskaberry which is winning on the stank factor. The wind picked up when taking this photo so we get and action shot. Also the squirrels ate all the sunflower heads as expected so I’ll be taking down those stalks later today.

Shiskaberry 3F2: After this season alone I’m glad I cloned this plant as it’s getting a slot every year now because holy fucking shitballs. If you saw Deadpool 2, imagine the Juggernaut Song but replace “Juggernaut” with “Shiskaberry”. Each branch is becoming a MASSIVE cola. :exploding_head:

Sour Diesel: Danny T Cut: @DannyTerpintine it’s starting to sugar up and while the budsites are still small for now they are covered in :gem: 's!

Frankenstein: @JohnnyPotseed as the flowers develop I can smell more and more why this is your daily smoke. :ok_hand:

Limed-Orange: This has the smallest flowers in the yard and the least smell from a distance. I’m indifferent about that lack of punch right now because on a stem rub it’s an eye-opener. A lime/orange citrus cocktail served in a salted rim glass… yes, the salt note is there and it’s the icing on the cake. Well done with this strain @DannyTerpintine ! Anyone that’s visited the yard and smelled this on their fingers were blown away.

Thanks for checking in folks this is the update for now.

It’s been a wild week with getting all the Nepali Watermelon Hashplant seeds prepped for the Fall 2024 box, the 2024 Freakers Ball collective among other folk that I have been in discussion with since that adventure all started back in April. :sweat_smile:

There may still be spots in the co-op run; otherwise I’m always open for those that reach out for a trade.

Have a wonderful day everyone!

:smiley: :+1:


Looks green baseball bats with leaves growing out the center of that squat plant!:exploding_head:
The rest of your garden is truely epic man just wow. I see your neighbors have some leaves turning color, is this starting where you are located?


Yes. Last night went down to 12c, tonight around 8/9c.


Thanks for the Heads-up on that Fall-Box Fact… @Pigeonman


@MissinBissin I know you got lots going on and I’m very glad you noticed!

It’s been more quiet in here that I had hoped over the last few weeks prob due to my hospital absence. I’ll try to post more daily to get this thread more active again.

Feel free to banter!

For example as the day’s shorten and S.A.D. starts to rise I’ve been putting on background movies in the AM before Mrs P wakes up. This means I’ve been putting on some really stupid shit and mostly 1980’s video store “gems” to get nostalgia going for mental health reasons.

Today’s “masterpiece”:

Granted a lot of these movies have moments that do not translate anymore which is a great reflection of how we’ve moved forward in some ways as a society.

Some of these moments are laughable, but some are disturbing such as “the goonies” where as an example was said so well in the TV show “Inside Job”.




Good morning @Pigeonman and all of OG! Oh the 80’s video stores…good memories.

I was recently thinking about some 70’s/80s flicks that I remember as being so amusing, interesting, popular, etc, and how so many of them don’t “translate” so well today. There were even a few that as I reflected more on them I wasn’t sure how to feel exactly. Some were humorous, but some were maybe even a little embarrassing to think about as we’ve changed. :man_shrugging: Always nice to visit your garden and see what’s happening - beautiful plants all around in here! Have a great day and hopefully a great start to the week! :green_heart: