Outdoor feminized photo plant flowering 2 months early?

Pop 12 seeds back on April 1st grew them indoors for the first month and a half using the same light schedule as the sun. Around May 15th move plants outdoors due to early warming in Southwest Ohio. Today June 6th I noticed one of my 12 plants started flowering. Nothing has changed these seeds are definitely photo period NOT autoflower! Can anybody help me figure out why or how this is happening in any tips I’m putting it back into Reveg using my indoor grow tent. Thanks


Keep in mind, many cannabis varieties can flower under 14.5 hrs light or less. I think the mistake most of us make is assuming cannabis needs 12/12 lighting to initiate flower but that’s just simply not the case.

Depending on where you live and your grow hardiness zone (which have been recently officially modified) that’s probably the issue. You might not be experiencing long enough days to keep these specific varieties you have, in veg.


I did an eerily simlar thing in 2022; they revegged on their own. though the flower sufferred for it, I believe. I’m jjst NW of Boston. good luck!


That’s why when I started them out indoors I went by the actual natural light cycle since I put them out there the light cycle has increased not decreased so I was under the impression they didn’t start flowering until the light started decreasing again but thank you for the comment every little bit of information helps


I would advise making note of this if you ever intend to grow them again, you might need to just wait longer to start them. OR start them sooner, but likely later.

Try some other beans and pay attention to how they react also :+1:


What strain was this?

:green_heart: :seedling:

Zkittlez feminized

And the seeds came from MSNL

Glad you posted this because I’m in the exact same position…

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Its better to run them at 24h light leading up to putting them outside.

A few years ago I had them at like ~15h of light thinking it would be closer to outside. I had a lot of attempted early flowering and revegging that year. One of the worst offenders was my favorite wedding crasher plant. This year I went the other way and used 24h light leading up to going out and only two plants out of 12 did it a tiny bit. I even have two copies of that same wedding crasher plant out there and those plants had zero issues. I figure the hormone that triggers flowering is at a minimum coming out of 24h light, and has to build up a little before flowering.

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Do the Hawaii thing and supplement outdoor lighting to prevent early flowering :man_shrugging:t2: like little spotlights over each plant

Thanks everybody for all your comments and suggestions but the mystery has been solved I contacted my seed company and they accidentally sent me autoflowers instead of feminized! Then they acted like it was no big deal that they ruined my whole summer crop because I did high stress training their whole lives not knowing they were autoflowers, all they did was offer to replace the seeds and give me a $15 credit lmfao. Do not order seeds from MSNL seed company


The good news is you can run another crop of autos outdoors!

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Very true and I’m already in the process of getting ready for them but thank you for the idea

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I know it’s not what you were after, and I’d be upset about getting the wrong stuff too, but at least it’s salvageable because you can get another run in. Always sucks to not get what you ordered.