Why have these clones gone into flower

I bought 5 feminized AK47 seeds, all has gone well with them. They’re about 5 weeks old and coming along nicely. You can see photos of them in the grow diary I’m doing. Last Thursday, 5 days ago I put 1 of the AK into the flower room, before doing do so I took a cutting and put it in the propergator, along with 2 white widow cuttings , that are just about to root. I only have one veg room, so the propergator is in there with the plants in veg, getting 18 /6.
Over the last couple of days I have thought, oh that cutting looks hairy but me eyes aren’t that good and I never really took much notice.
Today, it’s in full bud mode, you can’t help but notice.
The cutting is more advanced into flowering than the mother which has been under 12/12 for 5 days.
I’ve got rooted AK in the veg room which are showing signs that they’re about to bud. But the white widow along side them, rooted and clones aren’t showing any signs of flowering at all
The timer is working fine, as are the lights.

So can anyone tell me what’s happened, I’ve never grown autos, so have no idea how they grow but could I have been sent autos by mistake?, I’ve checked the packet, no mention of auto at all.
Could it be shock, making them flower.
Should I put the rooted AK into the flower room now, just in case they are autos?
Anyone ever had this happen to them, what did you do?


Check the site you bought em from and do you have any light leaks?


I’m about to phone them and no light leaks.
I’m not to happy, if they are autos, it’s knackered all my timings up, I thought I just about getting there , full flower room with enough plants in veg room, ready to go in. Now that’s all gone to pot, as they say.


Yeah good idea. Sorry to hear its goin to poop

I would guess they’re autos or have auto genes/tendencies. There really isn’t any other way to get a plant to flower besides light deprivation that I’m aware of.


Are you positive they aren’t just preflowers?

Edit- title says clones body says seeds. If clones, likely preflowers.


I would also say pre flowers

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Save guessing


Yes I’d say that’s more than preflowering.


They didnt look like that when you got them? It looks like the clones were takin off of a plant about 3 weeks into flower

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I took the clones myself about 5 days ago, it didn’t look like that then.
I grew the mother plant from seed and that about 31 days old.

I think they’ve sent me autos by mistake,

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I’ve now cropped a few plants a bit early and made space for all the AKs to go in and flower.
Get rid of that strain and stick to the White Widow.

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If both the clones and mother plant are flowering, then you have an autoflowering plant.

