Outdoor grillers/smokers/cookers unite

Now too explain to my young daughter she can’t have any


When I lived on the North shore of Lake Huron we used to go and catch the smelts and stay up all night and camp and drink beer and have bonfires and Fry smelts till God you couldn’t eat anymore thanks for the memory


How much does a pig like that run you, or do you raise them or know the farmer?

In this case i knew the farmer. 200# pig for $100

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The wood is what tore me up!

Haha, how much wood did you use/what did that cost ya? More than the pig?

That’s a great price, yeesh, I need to go hit up my friends and see if they will do a deal like that

I ran 3/4 bag of splits an hour. 12 bags at $20 a bag. I ordered a pallet to get it at that proce tho.
In hindsight i should have run lump with it

Yeesh, ya, that’s expensive lol.

Still though, that’s got to be less than 4$ a lb of Cooked local pork, can’t go wrong there. Can’t wait for the after picture :drooling_face:

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I know a hog farmer and we get ours hogs for free and butcher it ourselves…in the height of the CV-19 pandemic the meat processing plants were shut down and he had to kill 350+ hogs and just bury them…what a waste that was…we also butcher our own cattles…



Damn that looks good. Drip drip

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Dang, that’s a nice walk in right there.

We got a real problem with ferals in the SE US, the government man will even pay for you to use their fancy traps as long as you can prove you drop the gate on more than a dozen(I think it is) 3x. They reimburse you of course, not up front. Makes a good way to trade for hunting on other people’s land though. I don’t really like the meat, it’s really really gamey, but it makes good sausage.


I have a couple buddies interested in a hog hunt. Couple want to go bowie knife only. I keep thinking the dogs wear vests good luck with that.

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Unfortunately, that’s how it wappens sometimes… But could tell you worse ones…

We got lucky through the pandemic and were able to stay operating…

Tonight I did pork steaks and sliced potatoes outside … pulled out the half brisket I froze for supper tomorrow. Open faced sandwiches tomorrow night, beef and noodles sunday


We have them here too and have taken them down with a compound and recurve bows…those small pigs are the best, suckling pigs…

I’ve done that too, 30+ yrs. ago…I looked into helicopter pig hunts in Texas and back then it was 1K per hour…probably charge way more now…


Yeah I’ve been in a couple of those hunts with the dogs, on foot up in Georgia and they tied the pig up, like lassoed it and then finished it, and then on a giant swamp buggy with skidder tires down in Florida swamps, like a monster truck but open canopy, had to shoot one of them 3x with a 12 gauge. The guide was like, if I tell you to run, you run as fast as you can and then jump behind a tree or that boar will eat you up. :joy:

Okay, enough off-topic from me, good memories and swapping stories y’all. Back to the grillin and chillin :sweat_smile:



…for 500$ ??? wtf,is that the goose that lays the golden eggs??


Before the pandemic…but still $300, thanks but no thanks…I will shoot my own thank you.

My goose…


we have these canadian geese over here too…not sure,if they allowed to hunt.

the Egyptian Geese(NileGoose we call it)do spread like hell over here…

…do you have em too over in Amerika?