Outdoor organic hydro

Looking awesome man!

Been following your thread this summer. Love your approach and methods. Don’t post because I don’t feel I can really add anything, but been taking notes over here :sunglasses:


You’ll be copying the notes I copied from dragonfly earth medicine heh heh. Took me a bit to actually start wholesale chopping down weeds for fertilizer. I don’t smash the weeds with a mallet like Josh does!
They were right about the anaerobic decomp killing all weed seeds. After the batch it stewed there is nothing alive but fungus.


That last batch was all the clippings from my weed plants last harvest. Fermented em up good! Diluted the buckets worth in that kiddie swimming pool, using creek water. I use it on everything along with all the other crap I was already using. Wood chips as mulch, compost and alfalfa as organic materials and then some plant juice to top it off. On this radical blueberry patch I also use sulfur pellets and sulfur mixed in water. For the ph.


Here are two of the clones from the basil plant I pheno hunted. I’m keeping it flower free on this grow, so I can get more leaf biomass. Each plant will be like 5 plants, I hope.


I have to take a photo of the top of that automania plant. I think it’s starting bloom, which is earlier than normal for a photo? We’ll see what happens!


It’s definitely blooming, I can’t wait! Look, it’s almost scratching the ceiling.


Male trizzler!

Colorado cookies, and I think it’s sliding into home base.


See how the green is turning orange? So close to harvest day. Those neon pumpkins mature so fast!


Strange part is the male hasn’t started putting out mature pollen sacks yet… but I expect it will after the middle of the month when things are getting ready.

See, bud started earlier on these plants than it should. Probably because they were 'spose to be autos.


This kohlrabi is about 2 kilos, perhaps more!


…'sumtin wrong wit dat autoflower :laughing:



Holy jeebus, that’s a serious white kohlrabi!
I had a couple huge ones last year, but I dont think they were that big. Well, maybe you just have small hands. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::joy:


We just finished one off that was 1600 grams. I had to get out the huge ass knife to cut it in half!


How to you usually prepare yours?

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mm big crunchy slices! Sometimes, I’ll cook it in the instant pot like a potato! I think it would make a good cabbage casserole too, if shredded.

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I like crunchy slices with salt and pepper too. I chopped and roasted with some radishes and garlic in olive oil last year. It was tasty! I wanna try mashing it sometime.

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Here’s a strange statement. I think the blueberry plants are really thriving after all those doses of plant juice. I mean them in particular, are growing at a much faster rate, as well as changing the actual color of the leaves to a darker green. The other plants are doing fine just like I was using all purpose organic materials. The cannabis plants have a mix of organic materials and plant juice! Eventually… I hope that I can manufacture both from the same thing. Using anaerobic decomposition then using the remains as organic materials. My main concern is that a seed could survive that process, even though it doesn’t seem like it. The process seems to be 100% lethal to weed seeds.


I think I need a bigger ladder…

There’s the male plant! Trizzler.

aaaand colorado cookies!


I think the male is definitely ready to pump male pollen into the world. I should move it outside!


The breakdown of the plant materials seems to advance way further if you leave it for a week. That’s a tip from Dragonfly Earth Medicine. The plant material seems to be like complete mush, and turns into goo once touched!