Outdoor organic hydro

The attitude here varies but it seems like a lot of the local yokel knucledraggers just get new free dogs every couple years & totally neglect them. In fact it’s about 3am & plenty barking here so I have rain noise playing. Ridiculous.

No bear threats but wild pigs can do a job on a dog. Weird place, Hawaii



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You mean it, mine had a “close encounter” with a :boar:, fortunately it was a female and only bite him:

Recently a 27 years old nurse was attacked and killed by 5 dogs (3 mastiffs) that were running loose guarding some sheeps in the countryside, scary … :sweat:


Feral hogs are a real problem here in the South. Poor dog.


I see quails all over the place now! Little buggers hatched out loads of chicks this year. I seen them scuttling in the woods and perching in the trees! I think that it’s an indicator for how things have changed. USDA zone has changed and southern critters moved in.


Never seen the Steller’s Jay before. Very cool. I’m sure they’re annoying as fuck just like the Blue Jay’s


The stellars jays ate a squirrel. Between jays eating squirrels and chipmunks snacking down butterflies. Then the rats are harvesting the grain they planted. Squirrels are preserving mushrooms in the trees. Fascinating! There are 6 of those stellars and they love to steal grain and make noise.


I wish the :rat: I’ve got over my place were as clever as yours … ejem|nullxnull


Hmmm, I don’t think you want this kind of rat. I call them “hyper intelligent” and for a reason. It’s more than I can explain with words, it requires pictures! If they can start communicating with me, I guess I’ll have to stop killing them and say they’re a person.

You see this is my citrus orchard. Or… is it? There’s wheat growing. I didn’t plant that.

Oh… look! “Someone” has been harvesting. The rat ain’t harvesting the immature crap, that’s for sure.

rat is patient. Waits for the grains to mature.

My pathetic attempt to kill the genius rat. FAIL! The rat even took some kind of tool and picked the seed pod off there and left the seed. Just sitting there. Mocking me.


The rat, is no doubt, motivated by survival. So… Why did the rat plant that wheat? Why in my pots? I have so many rat traps just laying around with different kinds of bait. All ignored, in favor of the wheat the rat planted in the summer. Just living off the grain…
fuck me.


Oh, I’m giving them this pellets and they really enjoy them … :yum: :skull:


I’ve done ‘OK’ in the past using peanut butter…



The last attempt I made with PB the fucker licked it off :open_mouth:

Try super-glue or tying bait to the trap with thread

@George - be careful with the poisons— my dogs ate a whole box & cost $3k to keep them alive…blood transfusion, the works.

And dead rats full of poison are then laying about :man_shrugging:



Thanks, I know what you mean :see_no_evil:, one night I found my dog laying in the patio instead of being in his bed on the garage, he was very weak and sad, stayed and massaged him to recover, went to bed not knowing if next morning he would be alive:

Fortunately there he was :sweat_smile:, still don’t know what happened because he cannot reach the poison, even the cats. I put it between some big tomato tutors where no cat or dog can reach and also at home where no animal except me enters …

I also discovered this sticky traps you unfold and then fold again and dispose once used ejem|nullxnull, just put a bait on them or put them in their parcours …

Sorry for the off topic and thanks for the warning … beer3|nullxnull


Trigger warning! The mountain lions already got the neighbors dog. Mother nature will claim your stuff! Stay Vigilant!!


Oh shit!
That sucks…


Yup, here :wolf: eat chained dogs and even a pony :see_no_evil:, they must be tired of eating lambs and :boar::sweat_smile:


Thanks for posting this thread, an old hydro grower is making the move to organic and growing the microbial community in my soil to help me in this task. Much work and research to do on my part here in NW Florida. Would you happen to know if we have any soil food web scientists here in this forum?


Definitely some ingham-heads on the forums! I think @DirtySlowToes was talking about her today!


I wouldn’t call my self a scientist, but I sure do love soil. Nice to meet ya. If you got started on hydro, I’d imagine soil should be an easy switch! Welcome. Here for you 🫵🏻


Thanks for the feedback!!

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