Outdoor organic hydro

Hi, nice to meet you too!

I just bought my first microscope and am in the process of training my eyes and learning to recognize what I am looking at. I never did that in hydro it was all chemical fertilizers, PH, EC in my greenhouse and the regimen to just do it.

I am really amazed at how much I don’t know about growing from a pure organic method. This bug has really got hold of me.

Thanks for reaching out!


Dusting off the greenhouse tools :wink:
Things are coming to life! This year I have to spray sulfur again. faarrrrrrrrck! Due to the contamination of the mildew on those wal mart calla lilies. I got my pump sprayer, and I’m waiting for the plants to hit the rubbermaids. Then I’ll go nuts!


Symbiosis at work! For some reason the Peony and Black morale get along just fine!


These are the rat crops this year! They planted the garlic 2 years ago, so it’ll reach maturity this year. I’m not sure if the rats planted more, but this crop is phenomenal.


Clematis vine. Immune to parasites. This years bleeding heart crops! Also this years bleeding heart flowers.


I’m going to start the auto flowers before long! They are just experimental plants, and I don’t expect anything really. Any yield is just an added bonus.


Some pine shavings and shredded garden waste this year for mulch! Mulch mulch!!


Gotta layer that shit good, keep the quack grass at bay. I found the weeds only root in the top layer, so they are easy to pluck out of the mulch.


All prepped… waiting for warm weather! Yesterday the top layer was frozen. I’ll add a scoop or two from the compost bin and then use plant juice as fertilizer. Last year showed the plant juice alone will grow perfectly formed tomatoes. I’ll lay the pipe today and get some water covering the first seasons batch of weeds. comfrey roots, I’ll ferment. I should smash them with a hammer first! Get them pulped up for faster decomp.


Got those carrots planted! So… You’re wondering wtf this has to do with cannabis? See the fibers and twigs in there? That’s my last harvest. I took the waste and composted it, then added it to the garden! Looking for multitudes of kilos of carrots!


I think in a week I’ll direct sow the auto plants into the greenhouse. I was thinking I could also plant a random photo clone with 2 autos. That way, at least I’ll get something and have at least one plant that’s not a bust, lol!

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2 outdoor tubs like a cialis commercial! I’ll be throwing a few OD soon also. Hopefully the VA. sun is kind this year.


Actually three tubs! Like some kind of bizarre AI generated nightmare fuel cialis commercial! Two of orange longtooth and one of white moon carrots. A trial run of multitudes of carrot strains led to the realization that split and bitter carrots only happened to the red, and purple kinds, but not the white and yellow or orange. I suppose that was a carrot pheno hunt. The carrot protocol is put a couple scoops of compost into the tub and mix that in. Then when the seeds sprout, sprinkle alfalfa meal between the rows, or use plant juice.
In addition, the carrots have to be spaced out. I go with 5 cm between seeds and pull out the smaller ones, so there is more like 15cm between 'em. They can really bulk up to 700 grams per carrot! I pull them after the first frost.
There will be 10% loss to rats, if the carrots aren’t in the tubs.


Quite clever re-purposing. I’m sure I’ve demo’d over 100 of those porcelain over steel tubs(or POS as they’re known) doing remodeling jobs. I hope they reward your labor with a massive haul of carrots


I made a video out of the viewing of comfrey roots composting. More like Anaerobic digesting. IT stinks! yum! Also I have to get the swimming pool out so I can dilute the solution in there. One bucket of stink juice per full kiddie pool, that’s my motto! I’ll post the video, it’s kind of… indistinct?


I see things in there that seem to be moving or performing some kind of task?? No idea.

High def video is coming too. Poohtube is a sloth. Takes about 20min.


Ayee I was just trying to get a similar video of jlf at my place. Saw an insane amount of what I believe to be the same sort of microbe. I was able to watch them eat the aggregates and pull chunks off to take them to other places in the water droplet!


My swamp juice! Mixed it from one bucket full of comfrey ferment and then topped off with rain water.


OK, I planted a big bud clone and I’m popping automania and trizzler! I hope I can get a female from the seeds I can study. That would be nice!


Clone has taken root! I put two buckets of water in there to re-hydrate! The seeds have sprouted, so I’m on with trizzler and automania. I really need to study the automania, and get some observations. It’ll answer a few questions about heredity! The big bud plant is to show that under different conditions, the plant still has the same trichome coverage. 'Cause that’s genetic.