Outdoor organic hydro

Oh, ok.

I’m dealing with a Yellow-bellied marmot infestation this year. Shot three this weekend from my back door! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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We had this other rat creature move in and trapped it with a PVC tube. Dakrat aka ground squirrel. The dog wanted to murder it’s ass! I tossed it back into the colony up by the lake. No marmots here… yet, but they live just down in the valley about 5Km away.

Its really weird to see em up here. Yet there is a gravel pit with em about a mile down the road.
Thing is, I had one of my old barns collapse a couple years ago. A few months ago I had a loader at my house, so I chopped it up and stacked all the walls, scraped up the wood, and made some big piles along to back corner of my property. Well…I think I made them little fuckers a home! Now I’ll have to murder their whole family. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Making some comfrey stink juice! In a week it’ll be ready, and oh so stinky!


Here’s what happens when your blueberries reach the right ph. They grow like weeds! The bottom image is fresh main shoots right out of the mulch. 3!!! That’s gonna be huge crops in another 2 years.


I pulled all the weeds out of the blueberry mulch. You know what? I changed the tires on my car no prob, but the same amount of weeding in the garden? fucking back killer man.


Regenerative farming vs pissing in your own mouth. hah hah just kidding. I just tossed some alfalfa meal on the patch with smaller leaves. It doesn’t seem to perform as well as the patch with alfalfa and mulch. More weeds, perhaps that’s why.


Those are the three volunteers! I guess I had 3 viable seeds I tossed in the bubble waste!


Comfrey tea. STINK style! It’s frothing mmmm good.

Regenerative strawberry patch.



Nothing survives the decomposition. Even those really tough weeds!


Phew hopefully I’ve saved the blueberries my friend is growing. PH shift like crazy up to 6.5 I told him it was terminal PH unless he gets it under control. This is year 2, so it’s now or never! They’ll survive two years with the wrong ph but year three they’ll most likely die. My one plant still has the scars from when I was experimenting with the ph. It got really weird and never returned to normal even after the ph was good. The stalk of the plant got lichen on it.


Some crazy shit happened! So the temperature dropped to 3C and a hail storm smashed everything. Lucky all my shit was in the greenhouse. Some of the new bean plants didn’t make it, but that was minimal damage.
My friend came over and were we in the garden. He looks at the garlic and asks what is that plant? I said garlic.
That’s not like any garlic plant I’ve seen! he says. Well, I say that’s because it’s not. It’s actually rat garlic. The rats planted that garlic and managed to engineer a better plant.
Now I have to say, not every one of the rat garlic is superior. There are plenty of shit garlics like the original we planted. But two of the 100 garlic the rats planted are really… really really really fucking gigantic. Buddy tried to buy them on the spot. I laughed and said after this year I’m going to clone it a dozen times. Next year he’ll be able to purchase some rat garlic bulbs for planting.
Just last year he looked at them and I said they were rat garlic, but they hadn’t reached maturity yet.


Unknown female.
ha hhah just kidding it’s probably male.



Big ass big bud.

Minor hail damage.


We got nummers! Yum! The comment was: “What Stinks?!?!”
me: “It’s the LOVE!”


Gonna give these babies some sasquatch milk from the bucket.


Volunteers are doing good, even the shit-kicked one!


It’s year of the aphid!!!

There’s a fly, too.


This one is abandoning his exoskeleton… icon_e_surprised|nullxnull


There is actually something really crazy going on outside. Turns out there are no butterflies left out there. I saw one in the last week! I have seen a dozen hummingbird moths though.

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This bush was for watching the butterflies. Except there are none in existence! I hunted around the entire neighborhood and found one single yellow butterfly. That’s some fucked up shit. They were getting caught in the greenhouse and I had set three of them free. Then this storm rolled in and it dropped some serious degrees and froze everything outside. After that episode, I haven’t seen any of them in the greenhouse.