Outdoor organic hydro

Three volunteers.


For some reason, the trizzler is a deep sleeper. It looks like it’s dead at night, and then completely resurrects in the morning.


Oh my! It’s in the 30s today, that’s for sure! Sweating like some kind of hog… mmm yah. I hydrogen bombed all the plants with plant juice, before I burned out. I got most of the garden plants too. I got all bloodied. What else? Oh! I got FPJ on myself and probably smell like I was rolling in shit. I’m going to plant the unknown soldier plant on the table. It’s getting seriously root bound! Dries out on a daily basis. I’ll post up some photos after I cool off. Perhaps I should cool off in the crick.

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It’s some kind of worm crawling and chomping around, I haven’t discovered yet any hole-making deficiency … :bug: :sweat_smile:

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Pretty sure it was a calcium deficiency, judging by the images.

This is why… it is actually having an effect on several different plants.

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The plants are doing good! You can see the trizzler plant woke the fuck up.


Moved that beast outside into the garden and gave it a load of plant juice.

Here’s the spartan tree clone! It has become a bush.

White beets! I also have another tub of white beets cooking up.


Do you dilute the ferments? I’ve been fermenting buckets of weeds and prunings and have been diluting around 25% ferment 75% water. Wondering how intense I can go

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You can usually give it a bit of pure undiluted solution. I would avoid huge quantities of concentrate. In the early days when I’ve just started, you can go half and half, but after a week of fermenting I put one bucket of liquid into the entire kiddie swimming pool. mmmmm, yummy. I’ll do a test case where I use it undiluted. Eventually you should be able to kill a plant? should? hah hah we’ll see, but I image it’s like taking a piss on the same spot over and over. Works good the first few times, but as you add more, suddenly it turns into a toxic wasteland. I’m really curious about that!

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I’m all for some organic experiments!

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Wow! The first person on this earth to listen to my advice about the ph when growing blueberries has pulled it off. Took the ph from 7 down to 5 over the course of a couple days, and saved the plants. I think motivation was the key, but also he could see my blueberries were growing like mad, despite the toxic ph level of the soil. Turns out those plants were from the mother in law who died from jaw cancer. So if they croaked it would be further depressing! But oh boy! They are greening up like a mofo now! Give them another season of the right ph and they will be pumping like mad!

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What do you use to test your soil PH?

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I use one of those cheap ass meters from the hardware store for 20$ that has a post you stick in the ground. You have to make sure to water it in, and leave it for a bit to read the ph. I also have drops, in case the meter fails.

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One of the first things I bought when I started growing and the first I threw away! The potting soils work great willy nilly for organics with tap water but I never thought to test the soil ph out in the garden. I have lots of species that go wild in my soil. And an equal amount that suck shit.

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Soil ph around here just generally testing at rando locations in the garden it’s 6.8. That’s almost neutral so that means I can acidify it. If the ph is above 7… that’s really bad. There is lots of limestone that contains calcium that is what gives the soil it’s ph value.

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OK, This is the test subject. Unknown origin, but likely one of these combos:
I put it in the ground yesterday because it was dying from the bottom up and the root ball is the one above in my hand.

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I put 3 buckets of pure plant juice. If that can kill a plant, it should. Also! I can easily rehabilitate this site if it goes toxic from plant juice.

Automania… male :wink: hah hah

Clone! I’ll sample this tomorrow, I think, and put it under the scope.


Trizzler! It’s kicked the bucket… for the night.

Trizzler is really packing on the growth still. I don’t think it’s going to be a stunted plant like some autos I’ve seen! It’ll be more like uhhh fantasmo. That was a large ass auto plant!

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Automania seems like a fast photo to me! Suspect male, but it’s growing super duper!

Big bud.