Outdoor organic hydro

Alright this is the new transplant that I’ve bombed with plant juice that wasn’t diluted. I think it secretly liked it, judging by how it looks today.


Other random plants. I think that big one is a GMO cross with something. OGK?


Fuuuuuck rats!!! I killed another one! Filthy bastards, they win once you give up. It was nibbling on the garlic… but not the rat garlic patch. Now? It’s in the belly of many many chickens. Turn them pouch rats into chicken eggs. Then eat them.


Not the first thing to spring to mind when contemplating the Great Circle of Life… but definitely a Joe original…:vulcan_salute: :wink:



Ahh yes, the plant I was trying to kill with undiluted plant juice has started really growing now that it’s adapted to the outdoors!


Ahh the stink of pure organics! It’s the love! I think the plants love it, anyways.


I think the blueberries like the plant juice as well.


Automania and big bud.


Nuclear whipping boy! I gave it another dose of undiluted plant juice and it’s fine. Actually, it’s looking really good today! The lower leaves that were dying off from being root bound are definitely going to drop off. It’s grown 2 new sets though.


Ding dong the RAT is dead! Which rat? The woo-ooo-d rat! Fucking chewing on plants, and shitting on the deck. Pissing, like a rat. I unleashed the dog and he had so much rat rage built up from it escaping yesterday. He shredded that rat!

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Plants look really energetic! A fucking caterpillar chewed on one of them, and I’m thinking of getting the BTK out.


Not just pining for the fjords? :wink:



mmm The smell of plant juice! So here’s the thing. Not my first go with the plant juice but the last time I did it, I used some that was made from sugar beets. It was fermented and destinked and then I would buy it and use it. Made some super large plants like dinosaur days. Then you couldn’t buy the stuff, but I never went and learned how to make it myself. Based on what happened back then, I should be able to push the plants a little harder than I have been. Next stage, I’ll get out the injector and filter the plant juice then inject it into the pants. That’s if I get lazy. The injector can lead to human laziness that results in fewer checks on the system that leads to it running out and injecting pure water. That happened.


awww yah! It seems the fourth bucket of undiluted plant juice wasn’t beneficial.


I actually think the automania and bath tub plants are female. or… at least this big one is.

No idea about this little pisser. Reminds me, I think I can sort them by stem rub. hah hah my friend was amazed when I showed him the rub on the OGKxGMO plant. You could really smell the OGK part still.


pops is like yo I watched a youtube video that said your FPJ is equivalent to tap water and it’s not a fertilizer.
mmm like that juicy “research” he did right? So buddy on the video, without any field tests, declares that FPJ is equivalent to tap water.
So then I ask my pops like ok then how are the plants surviving? Because they don’t survive on tap water. Then I ask how come the field test with only plant juice worked? Is that 10 year old sunshine mix so buff with nutrients that it’s still growing plants year after year on just tap water? And of course the final question, how do you think they made the plant juice I bought from the store? Did I just buy tap water and that’s what made those insane dino plants?
So, youtuber, do some research for fuck sakes. Run a field test before declaring with no data that it’s not real. 'Cause over here I got the evidence…MAN!


Haha “microbes are bad and they don’t benefit living things in any way”


I think all the cannabis plants are female. And by that I mean they are definitely female. It’s actually going to be the very first time I have all females! Crazy world even last year I had a single male. I’ll take photos tomorrow I was busy today making pies. mmmm raspberry lemon meringue pie!

oh. also I’m trying to identify the strain based on smell. I think the bath tub one is a GOG BX1. Those volunteer plants don’t smell like OGK at all, so they are GMOxGOG and GOG BX1 most likely!
I have a known GMOxOGK seedling I compared them to. It doesn’t really matter, but it’s a curiosity pique-r!

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More crazy ramblings! The garlic bulbil project I was running has some results. If you sprout the garlic in the winter and grow it in a pot like a house plant then plant it outside in the spring, it’ll reach maturity that year! My bulbils I had grown since december of last year are producing bulbils of their own. But I broke off the scape and ate it. yum! I want to see if the cloves themselves reach maturity in a year. That will be mind blowing if it’s true.


Automania, and an aphid!

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