Outdoor organic hydro



GOGxGOG pretty sure.


I guess this is what happens when you use “myth”-ical fertilizer to grow your plants, lol!


Gonna break out more stink juice today for the greenhouse. I took all the lawn clippings from mowing the lawn and put that into a fermentation vessel… aka Garbage Can. It really stinks! Also! Every morning I have to push down the material because of gas buildup. mmm I smell methane! Have to slowly push it under the liquid because of all the gas, because it’s got to bubble out while I push it down. yum! I’ve determined that you can give a plant that looks kind of depleted 2 buckets of undiluted plant juice, before it’s not helping. Once my camera is charged, I’ll take a photo of it. It looks nasty :smiley:


Trizzler! She’s really packing on the growth.

Automania and BB. I gave the BB plant extra juice it was looking kind of yellow on the three leaves. I think I cut most of them off now.


Two of the volunteers! Goji OG crosses.


A couple of tomatoes! I’m cutting the flowers off of one of the plants to get some larger fruits! There are so many tomato plants it’s redonkulous.


Reminds me, I’m going to get some ammonium sulfate to acidify the soil in emergency situations, and cut out the aluminum sulfate. Don’t want the aluminum to build up in the soil because it’s a toxic heavy metal.

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“What smells like dog shit”? Me: “It’s the love!”

“Someone” is dealing with the aphids now. A Syrphid fly!

These little buggers are quick!

Jalapeno frenzy. I have like 30 of them!


More bugs mating away like some kind of orgy.

Solitary bees!



Here’s the love, MAN! Mmmm so much…stinky…love… reminds me of Adam Sandler! One bucket load of this pure concentrated love, and you’ve got yourself some super plants!


Those mating bugs are tiger crane flies. Oh and the tub plant is female along with the automania. If the experimental plant juice plant is female too, that means they all are!

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what variety of squash you rocking have three vines of butter nut going having a real problem with the cucumbers thou lots of flowers but the fruit starts then seems to dry out and die off some little suckers sucking but i cant seem to see anything

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Lets see, there are butternuts, spaghetti squash and zucchini. Might be a honey nut as well.
Are your cucumbers parthenogenic or dioecious? They might need to be pollinated.


not sure they are English long cucumbers telegraph is the variety heirloom

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Do they produce male and female flowers? I would think yes, since they are heirloom.

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yes a lot of flowers

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I used to pollinate those by hand, by taking the male and cutting off all the petals with an x-acto then putting it inside the female flower. This year I just let the solitary bees do it, but there are three terminal yellow tiny nothing cucumbers that will dry up. They didn’t get pollinated.
These days most in the greenhouse are parthenogenic so they only have female flowers and don’t require pollination.

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thats what i was thinking they did not get pollinated about 3 houses over there is a park they converted to a tall grass pollinator area it is around 3 acres of green, pollinators may be to busy for my meager offering

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Back in 2014 I did an outdoor synthetic hydro grow for tomatoes.
It was a top feed drain to waste hybrid Dutch bucket deep water culture.

I had pipes about six seven eight inches up on 5 gallon buckets plumbed to a drainage truck but the bottom 6 in was filled with hydro ton with individual bubblers in each bucket it drained to waste the waste reservoir pumped out onto my vegetables in the ground
I remember battling with that thing for the first month non-stop throwing so much money at it constant drain timer issues will dump my reservoir

But I what you got going on there looks awesome man organic hydro looking healthy is all hell nice work


Thanks for the props! Irony is I haven’t even fired up the drip system yet this year. On the other hand the regenerative farming concepts are working fine in the Rubbermaid containers!
Once I hooked up the hose and that swimming pool, we’ve been using the surface water license. I just fill the bucket and methodically splash FPJ around. Might have to break out the drip this weekend though! I’ll be solo watering an acre of land. According to the well monitoring data, the ground water is actually drying up and no doubt being replaced with subsidence.