Outdoor organic hydro

Hey Joe, do you have any tricks for keeping rodents from stealing tomatoes? My beautiful unripe fruits are already getting stolen by gray squirrels. I could put a bunch of hardware cloth around them I guess but if I can avoid it that would be sweet.


I catch the squirrels in a live trap and take them up to the park.


Cripes! It was 8C last night, and I froze my ass off! Been a really wack summer with temps swinging from 37C to 8C. Frost in June. At least the cold ass weather came with a bit of rain for the fires. Today, I’m refilling the weed buckets. My uncle was here and he used to be an industrial farmer. asked me what the NPK values were in the fermented plant juice. I told him more N in the spring and more potassium and phosphorous in the summer! Pretty sure those lawn clippings are loaded with nitrogen. Told him it saves like 200$. He used to be all biased against organic cultivation, but I’m not really sure about his attitudes towards it now. In his mind, he must know that the industrial method is failing.


I’ve got a really nice ferment of old outdoor flower from last year with some plain Greek yogurt in a bucket with water. Smells like decarbed weed out of the oven. And a little like yogurt. Hopefully it’s beneficial because some plants got the test watering yesterday. They seem fine today but they are also rootbound in small pots. Anyway, I like the trash can size fermenting! I’ve been doing these 4 gallon cat litter buckets but for the whole garden it’s not enough. Can’t imagine the stink coming from a whole trashcan of this stuff.


The stink is epic!

Here are the beets!

Can you tell which direction is south? I wonder what this plant will do once she hits bloom! A couple weeks left.

Automania and big bud.

Trizzler! Kind of airy buds, but that’s fine it might fill in who knows what’ll happen?


Looks like the plant I overdosed is starting to grow! It’s up to my knee, but I suspect male. Not so sure on that, but I think I see a bract. I could dissect it! mmm good idea.


Heavy dew today!!! White beets are doing good heh heh the rats are digging furiously around the base of the bath tub.


Wow there are all the weed plants! Still don’t know if the plant I’m torturing is male or female.


Today’s greenhouse shot! Things are looking really good, I got that stupid latest mildew problem eradicated. Can always hope that nobody re-infests it!


Ahhh the cycle of life…
Rat eats garlic, chickens eat rats, I eat chickens!


OK! I’m doing more than eating rats here, I also have some plants. This is how you know there is evidence the plant juice scheme really works:

If the plant juice really was just tap water, there is no way on fucking earth they would still have all the leaves, and green, to boot. I was at my friends, where they use nothing as fertilizer and the plants are yellow AF.
The plants didn’t perform this well when I was using fertilizer from a bottle, actually.


He recovered from the plant juice abuse! Really thriving now.



Is this mildew? asks the expert :wink:
It’s actually water scale.


It’s so easy to keep that little trizzler plant happy! One bucket of plant juice per month!
The automania is a hog! Big bud is keeping an even keel.


Oh, I almost forgot! The tub plant is rocking out.
Hey man, lookit me rockin’ now! I’m on the Radio! System of a Down


Today I’m delivering plant juice to the greenhouse! The large one. I will be filling 2 swimming pools full of stink! Hopefully I won’t get it on myself, but I know that’s just wishful thinking. I’ll be back in an hour, stinking like sewage!


Doing good so far no splashes! Taking a break, it’s hot out there! mmm especially in the greenhouse. The stink from that batch was epic, believe me.


Looking good! I have been fighting the heat in my greenhouse all summer. I have 6 circulating fans 1 exhaust fan and roll up side curtains 30 inches with screens. This year I added a misting system and so far it seems to be working. This year has been my first cannabis grow and I am amazed at how heat tollerant these plants seem to be. I am in NW Florida and the heat is pretty intense. Most days this month GH temp has been in mid 90s. What methods are you using for greenhouse cooling?



The top of the greenhouse opens up in the front and back. Also, there are the doors and 2 fans. One in the window, and the other in the middle of the greenhouse. When we initially constructed it, it would get up to 45C/113F! That’s when we decided there needed to be some ventilation heh heh,


FeEEEEEEEmale - in my best neckbeard impression.

Little bastard! Put me wayyyy over my plant count.

or… perhaps it was my fault.

hah hah for planting two more experimental plants.