Outdoor organic hydro

one has definitely sprouted! These are grapey walter CBG plants.


Just doing some transplants.

The basil plants are amazing, they grow new roots really fast. I can rip the root balls apart and I don’t think the plant notices.

There is what used to be the twisted crazed genovese basil plant. It looks really nice! Like I could eat it.


grapey walter! I haven’t seen any action from the other seeds, but I won’t give up hope yet. I only had three seeds, so if they don’t sprout, it’s c’est la vie bro!

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Well, I have one plant. I can also wheel that bonsai one out there, so there’s that. The other two grapey walters didn’t sprout so I’ve got a study comprised of 2 plants. At least I know that this plant should grow up normal. If it gets stunted then the probability shifted towards I’m the one who did it. This plant will hit the greenhouse very quickly, along with it’s pal. 'ol Runty.


Ahhh grapey walter is doing it! I went and scratched at the other seeds, but after a couple more days, I’ll split them open manually!


ahhh little auto plant. She’s looking good!


Been photographing the orchids! I know where they grow in the woods. I’ll prowl around and scare off the mountain lions, snap a few photos! I love the deep woods.


It won’t be too much longer before this little baby joins it’s friends in the play pen… I mean green house.


This little sucker is in the living soil that buddy dug out of the swamp. Right next door the old plant is regenerating. It looks like a stick right now with some leaves heh heh.


Wow I went crazy with the camera heh heh. Some scenes from the garden, right? Grapey walter, bonsai plant, 3 year old cherry tree from seed that bloomed, and regenerative farming on the red currents. I use a garden shredder to make that mulch out of sticks and plant debris including cannabis stalks.


Here are some outdoor photos! Greenhouse with tomatoes and cannabis. Grapey walter, Bonsai stick, and the no-till strawberry patch I just built.


well at least this time the plant is growing! Hah hah no runty mutants.


Ahhh the living soil…man! Writhing with life. The plants are doing pretty good, and the buckets are heavy. Probably won’t need water for a while! I mulch those shitweeds growing in that bucket. I don’t know how they get in there, but I think it’s rats of some kind. They are always planting seeds. If I were fighting a powdery mildew infestation, this is the perfect time to break the cycle. If I dosed all plants that get it, right now, the parasite has no hope of recovery. It will be extinct.


Grapey walter! Still doing her thing! Seems to enjoy the organic lifestyle lol! Damned hippies :wink:


Found this hummingbird trapped in the skylight. Good thing I know how to resurrect them! At this point in the photo he was still looking bedraggled, but his breathing had returned to a normal pace. Feet still curled though and feathers ruffled. He was definitely ready for darkness. I put some sugar water in the spoon and while the bird is passed out, I let the beak soak in the sugar. Eventually his eyes came open and his tongue started to dart out into the nectar. 15min in he got his feet back under him.20min later he was perched on the edge of the spoon, able to lap up nectar on his own. Then, he took off into the world! I do the same thing to any hummingbird I see crash landed.


Fits the OG spirit perfectly…


IT’s growing! Still! I don’t see any sign of the sex, which is really strange at this point.


I put a few alfalfa kernels in there. Bonsai plant is reverting to veg mode it looks like! Grapey walter is doing really good. I’m hoping I can make some rosin out of it!


The tomatoes and the forest patch! I’ve got that little pine tree on lock down, I want to prevent too much upwards growth with aggressive training and pruning. You can see huckleberries in the back ground. One plant did really good in the crazy heat wave last year, and it’s probably the one I should try and clone.


Grapey walter.

This is the bonsai plant! I think it’s still smaller than the grapey walter. It’s some kind of meat breath hybrid? Who knows.