Outdoor organic hydro

Put a curtain over the skylight to keep them pesky hummers out. Seen one bounce off that thing trying to get in a couple days ago. Little buggers! As long as they can’t get up in the skylight, they’ll be fine. hah hah it lets me sleep at night knowing they aren’t dying like flies in there.


Pretty sure that’s female, in fact I would be absolutely astounded if that is male.


This plant stinks. It’s some kind of meat breath hybrid and it really stinks up the greenhouse.


Here are the terror duo! That auto plant is pumping, not like last year. I guess it was just a screwup, either on my part or genetically… but the good news is… yay! I’m looking forward to an august harvest I hope, on the auto plant. Later for the meat breath, though.


There’s two images so you can see the greenhouse from both ends. “Summer” aka the heat is finally here, so the plants are really taking off! People complained their tomatoes died.


The winter ravaged my Vaccinium plants, but they are growing fast this year in comparison to '21. I only had to sprinkle a limited quantity of sulfur this year, the ph was still in the OK zone.


hmmmmmm female? :wink:
Since it’s a Sebring seeds I would have placed my money on female lol! At least, I’m pretty sure that’s where it came from?


That little plant is huge now! Growing like a Bastard!


ok so the organic culture is doing it’s thing. We got an unholy alliance between bugs, fungus and the plant! Inputs are handful of alfalfa and a couple tablespoons of general purpose. The general purpose has bits of every element in there! Blood, bone, alfalfa, earwig shit, greensand… whatever!


Shit is off the hook, right? Growing like no tomorrow!


I just use all the same potting mix over and over. Once it’s purchased and organic-ified, you just keep using regenerative farming tech and shit keeps growing. I guess this greenhouse has been growing crap for over a decade like this?


Almost ripe! Those huckleberries are going to be full sized this year. The one plant is definitely superior to all the rest. It’s got 20X the berries on it!


I’m still wondering how the bonsai plant didn’t get chewed on. Was it the proximity to the citrus trees? Because those fucking trees are immune to that shit. Makes me wonder… why. Are those citrus oils deadly?
hah hah oh well the organic plants are plowing ahead with life! Getting hard to put the entire Grapey walter into one photo with macro on. Going to have to take big plant photos! I wonder how tall it’s going to get?
The meat breath hybrid is still bringing the stink. That thing is incredible!


oh you know what they say. If they aren’t fucking, they’re fighting! err… wait who says that?


Yah there must be a couple hundred huckleberries! Amazeballs! Grapey walter is off the fucking hook! Meat breath is still stinking up the place lol!


Here’s some biological control. Syrphid flies and Cryptolaemus montrouzieri.
Oh I guess you can’t see the ladybird larvae, but it took out that aphid colony in a day.


For an auto, that grapey walter ain’t really blooming yet. I wonder if it’s just a regular plant?? Oh well if it is, it can join my other reg plant in there, the meat breath!
I’ve actually charged up the drip system now, it’s dry as the gobi desert out there. Hasn’t rained in 4 days! At this time last year, it hadn’t rained for a month already, the fires were burning and the heat dome had passed. I think I like this year better, even though it’s 11C overnight… I prefer it to what’s happening in other parts of the country!


awww yah! We got plants baby! Grapey walter and meat breath! The greenhouse is like a jungle now!


I’m getting out the BTK! There are some caterpillars eating the basil plants. I’m going to spray as many plants as I can, because there are also green caterpillars in the blueberries. Little fuckers. And I have to keep the earwigs away from the peppers. ooooo those little turds! Literally!

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Earwigs are little fuckers.
I’m not normally skeevy with bugs, but I will say that husking corn that had earwigs under the husk was pretty spine tinglingly gross. I didn’t know they were in there until I gave a nice quick tug to the husk and earwigs exploded out all over me.
Edit cause I got into story telling mode instead haha:
Does the BTK control the earwigs as well?