Outdoor organic hydro

I’m not sure what the BTK does to the earwigs that’s the strange part. I DO know that if I don’t spray it on the peppers and basil, the earwigs will turn all that into bug shit. We used to lose 25% of the peppers to earwigs, and I lost 100% of the sweet basil to earwigs. Once I spray that BTK on there, the earwigs don’t eat it. Strangest thing ever!

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Plants are growing! The bloom phase should start in a couple of weeks.


Here is some greenhouse eye candy. You can see the cannabis plant in the jungle mists there, as they are the only ones in the photos growing in hydraulic oil buckets. Don’t ask me what oil buckets have to do with living soil, but organic buddy whipped those up for me. A strange mixture of plant debris and potting soil with some stones in there. No idea why the stones. I definitely don’t do it like that! Mine’s just potting soil to avoid compaction, with organic materials on top. Easy to move around, because it’s light and fluffy.


The heat wave is starting! It’s predicted to get up near 40C, but I think it’s only going to be 35 here. I’ll be on water patrol 3 times a day, and I’ve got all irrigation systems ready to go. I think it’s time to take a sample from the plants for microscopic imaging.


Here are some photos from the greenhouse! The blueberry plants are ready to self-destruct. I hope I get over a dozen containers full of berries this year! The PH of the soil has been a little more stable these days after years of attacking it with sulfur compounds. Probably got most of the limestone disintegrated by now in the patch.


Second photo is the meat breath hybrid. It had some meaty buds on the old part of the plant.


Looks like the red currants are almost ripe! The cannabis plants are growing, and should start bloom in 2 weeks! The rest of the garden is pumping, this year is pretty nice.


I think the grapey walter might be hermie! I will sample it tomorrow and see what’s up. I’m going to let it go and see if the mildew colony grows though. Plenty of time before those pollen sacks open up!

uh, I don’t like the look of that. Looks like classic male pollen sack on the same node as female pistil. Those leaf bracts scream hermie! Ohhhhhhhh well! And it’s full blown genetic one as well, due to the fact it should just be starting bloom phase.


I think bloom is starting, because the plants are really gaining verticality!


The stretch is in full swing on my ladies here in Michigan.


things are rocking and rolling! The herm traits on the grapey walter aren’t too bad. I’m not sure the pods are even going to mature! I’ll keep and eye on the potential time bomb though heh heh.


here’s a couple of bud shots! Meat breath and then grapey!


Bugs have a lot to choose over there frech|nullxnull, looks like you’re going to have plenty of everything … beer3|nullxnull


lol! This year I’m spider mite free, I planted the cherry trees outside, so there was nothing for them to survive on over winter. A few thrips are on the lose with a couple of aphids. Seen lots of syrphid flies and predatory wasps, so it should keep the balance. Nothing keeps the mites back though. Not enough predators to keep up with their numbers, I suppose.

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Things are moving towards bloom! I think the plants are doing pretty good, and I just keep adding more alfalfa pellets and a dusting of all purpose. I think I’m going to add some earwig shit aka power bloom.


Was curious about those alfalfa pellets icon_e_confused|nullxnull, apparently their NPK ratio is 3-1-2, wouldn’t that be too much Nitrogen if you already are in flower stage? Looking good so far … beer3|nullxnull


The alfalfa has been experimentally proven to grow so many different plants! I use my eye to determine what the sucker needs, and it’s loving the alfalfa. I also added power bloom which is feathers and ear wig shit. And a dusting of all purpose, because you gotta get the gypsum in there heh heh.


There’s my crazy ass basil! The tall one is sweet basil and the short ones are spicy globe.


hah hah hmmm forgot to water.

This little meat breath hybrid is blooming nicely!