Outdoor organic hydro

There’s the fuitsu squash! I tell you, the plants do much better after the powdery mildew is fucking dead. Ick, what a nasty ass parasite.


Yah by june 2021 I had already done the coup de gras on the mildew. That shit was literally everywhere! Best part? It’s never coming back. I murdered it.

Grapey walter is really doing it now!!! The smell!! Unfurling into a blossom of exquisite fragrance.


Ahh nothing but bud shot glooooory! Not bad for a couple-o-ratshitters!


I will never go organic :nauseated_face: but I admit its excellent results … beer3|nullxnull


Early morning sparkles!

There’s that little meat breath plant. I think grapey walter is pulling into the lead in terms of stink. If you walk between the plants, there’s definitely a heady whiff!


Growing season is coming to an end! Hopefully got 2 more weeks, but I’m not sure.

Bees got buzzing when I touched their flower!


grapey walter!

5 years worth of basil!

This meat breath hybrid is starting to lean over! A little bit of bug damage, but more importantly no fungus! I defeated the spider mites by moving their host outside the greenhouse. Isn’t that a bizarre story for the ages?


I love thoroughly enjoy this journal; thanks again for sharing, JoeCrowe. HAHAHA, 5 years worth of basil, that is pretty cool.
Excellent organic hydroponics this year too! :wink:

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Yah the greenhouse crops did the best. The weather was wonky this year with it being so cold, and then suddenly a heat wave, followed by more cold weather.

I’m bagging up the basil right now. I dehydrate the leaves and stuff them in sacks. So many leaves! I already gave away some genovese basil in a sack.


Cannabis plants are doing OK, not going to be huge buds, but they are decent.


The tomato plants were crazy this year. Cut the tops off at 6 foot tall! That one tomato is 434 grams, a real mammoth.


Well I harvested the grapey walter! I am going to churn out some CBG hash, and see how that is. Nice spicy smell on that plant. It’s in the freezer now heh heh. I think I predicted 15 grams per kilo on that plant.


ok I got 20 grams per kilo on the grapey walter! I harvested the meat breath hybrid… but it’s a hash miser. There aren’t as many yummy trichomes, but, it does have lots of stink!
I got 7 grams of grapey walter hash out of that plant and I have a few buds set aside. I think the entire harvest was 650 grams.


Are you generally in west Canadastan?

Did you measure temps & eh in the greenhouse?

Any fans? Da line move da ea :dash::dash::dash:

:evergreen_tree: a fan

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Not a terrible return. :+1:


It was decent, and also way more than the CBG fantasmo plant. The hash is nice, as well, but not as potent as some of my others. Appearance is top notch though lol!

It’s usually 10C warmer in there on a sunny day, but only 3 degrees warmer on a cold ass day. There is a window fan that comes on at 22C! The front and back of the greenhouse open up to vent heat. If you check out the location of the unicorn cup, I live just down the road from there about 2km. BC Kootenays.


Thanks for understanding. Fuck autocorrect.

:evergreen_tree: :rofl:

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The first one is the meat breath hybrid and the second is grapey walter! This year was way more productive for greenhouse weed. Mostly because I didn’t grow a stunted auto plant with nothing on it.


ahhh what time IS it? Time to start breathing life into the organic farm!!! Spring is going to be here soon, so these basil are the mother plants of this years grow.