Outdoor test run 6 days growth

My first attempt at outdoor. A friend of mine gave me two female seedlings last week, very late in the season but I figured I’d give it a try since 12 plants is now legal here.

They seem to love it outdoors! The New England sun is working its magic. No sign of flowering yet, I wonder how much larger they will grow? This is a picture from last Saturday and then today. They are Pennywise X Cindy99


WOW! Please don’t take it the wrong way, but 6 days!? I can’t believe it!


the first pic says 11:11 AM 8/5, the other is 5PM today. so technically it’s 6.5 days. I top-dressed a bunch of organic nutes & watered, I didn’t think they would grow this fast! It’s been sunny, I guess that’s all it takes :smiley:


Yeah i hear you. One of the three outdoor ones i was trying to rescue got eaten by ants… Or at least i think it was ants… Only two left, but they might not make it.

you can see my dog-fur rabbit repellant system on the ground around the plants, hopefully it keeps working. I wouldn’t be surprised to come out one morning and see them devoured by something.

That’s what makes it a test, nothing ventured, nothing lost. I did spend a half hour digging about 20 gallons of soil mix into a hole for them. I"m just curious to see when they start flowering, if mold or PM hits them, etc. They only get about 7 hours of direct sun per day, the rest dappled shade. Today’s sunrise-sunset time is 14 hours & 3 minutes.

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I dunno what’s gonna happen…

It’s been another 8 days - growing strong, still no signs of flowering. They are starting to overgrow the other plants in the garden! I should have topped them. Also the lower branches grow much stronger than indoor.

Outdoor is fun, minimal effort, they should develop some nice colas.


The race is on!
You should hopefully have enough time to finish those girls nicely.
I think you told me that your anticipated first frost date is approximately Nov 1st. You may have about 70 days or so.
That should give you enough time.

Be ever vigilant in checking your gals when the weather becomes cool and damp.
Powdery mildew and bud blight can develop very quickly. Even overnight if the conditions are right.
Good luck.


maybe it’s just my choice of friends :sunglasses: but it seems like everyone I know in Mass. has plants growing somewhere in this “summer of legalization”. Here’s my friend’s new greenhouse he built last summer in anticipation of the referendum and knowing the Mass. voters would come through.

One F1 Pennywise from TGA has risen above the others!


I culled the sidekick and now PennyCindy stands alone. Finally starting to flower. It only gets 6-7 hours of direct sun per day, the rest dappled shade, I’m impressed by how fast it grows. With full sun and some space you could generate massive yields.