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I got Bogs book Bonanza Of Green in about 2007 from FS Book Company, inside I saw pictures that made me want Sour Bubble. At that time BOG had apparently disappeared from his online presence, searching for information about him brought me to ICMag which I finally broke down and joined in September 2009, there I found out that Gypsy Nirvana was going to be dropping BOG seeds on SeedBay, I was lucky enough to get in on that drop as my first ever seed purchase! As it turned out the seeds were from before BOG disappeared…2005 Sour Bubble BX3… before the possible accidental introduction of Bubba Kush to the Sour Bubble line! I grew them from 2010-12, it’s still the best weed I’ve ever found, I only got 4 plants from 2 packs, 3 girls and 1 boy, 1 girl was very short and wide vs. the other 3 so I got rid of it, leaving me with all branchy pheno’s, my favorite girl I named Penny, she was a black leaf pheno with unbelievable chocolate lime terps and staggering potency, I f2’ed her with my male who I named Pepe’….who was a light green to almost yellow loud lime male, very branchy. I got 1400 seeds from that pairing thankfully…. I continued to grow them on and off for many years….then In about late 2021 I was searching for a spiral bound copy of BOGs book, and the only image I could find of one was here on Overgrow… so I made an account, a few months after joining I noticed a member here called @CARE_giver asking if anyone had the old Sour Bubble lines… so I introduced myself to him and sent him 250 of my F2’s, a little bit later he sent me a message asking if it would be ok if he sent some to @Tonygreen , I said yes of course you can send Tony some! Through Tony’s work those genes along with some other early Sour Bubble lines are being released on Valentine’s Day for everyone to enjoy… a fact that I am very proud of, sorry for the novel, but it is a story that’s very important to me.
Some of you have seen this before, but it’s my only picture of Penny, my precious 2005 Sour Bubble BX3 mother plant, OverGrow the world with love!