Overgrow.com: Let's Talk About the Future



I would not conflate co-op seed runs with payment for site support. Co-op runs are currently a co-op managed endeavor not managed by OG. Requiring payment directly to OG beyond the costs that the co-op collects and any additional funds donated to the co-op invites the perception that OG (the website, not the co-op) has an obligation to ensure delivery of seeds. I can imagine problems. Better to keep the co-op aspect of the community self managed and self supported.


some kind of visual indication where support is vs goal/ideal could maybe help honestly I kinda figured there were a lot of supporters already but I think I just happen to follow threads with a lot of regular supporters :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

also I am a bit of a gambler maybe something randomly drawn each month you are a supporter like a badge or trinket gotta collect em all


I think both those are GREAT ideas. Especially as much financial transparency as possible - many people have no clue what site backend costs in money, and most of us don’t have a clue how much is currently coming in through Patreon.

I am thinking a little visual bar thing of some sort filling up toward the base cost of this place - which among other things I would expect to include fair compensation for your time, and also some sort of overage to build up an “oh shit” fund.


I have two people in my immediate family dealing so most certainly FUCK CANCER.


Gotta say, I like what you’re doing here.
I appreciate the transparency.
Yeah, some of the changes are difficult to learn/find/understand. But I’m a slow learner.:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: Overall, wonderful.

I will use this as an opportunity to say it.
I am not a direct supporter of Overgrow via Patreon. Though sometimes, I feel like I should be.
This is why I do my best to contribute to the site by donating my stuff to server auctions. And hope do do my own for ya one day.
It’s not the monatary aspect of it. And it’s definitely not because I dont love this place. I’ve just commited my family to not taking on any payments or costs in the “want column” untill we are debt free.

Yes, having a lower dollar amount as an option is a great way to drive support. Very temping too. My concern is this: 100 people paying $3 or ten people paying $30…aren’t we in the same boat?
I have not been on Patreon for a while. Isn’t it a sliding scale? If not, that’s possibly an option to increase support volume.
The more months you pay for the cheaper per month. A heavily discounted three-year support membership? Maybe a lifetime?
Hell idk, just spitballin here.


Absolutely FUCK CANCER!!! My late wife passed of pancreatic cancer and was lucky enough to see her 30th birthday. Never was a heavy drinker, ate healthy, and if I recall correctly the doctors said it was not hereditary.

I made the jump to support OG. I have so much love for this community and everything you do @LemonadeJoe is worth it!!!


I had to stop supporting OG financially when I lost my job. Now, I’m employed again so I don’t see why I can’t support the community that’s given me an outlet for my autistic obsession with this plant. It’s a small price to pay.

And as far as the co-op thing goes, I think we shouldn’t change anything about it currently because gate keeping seeds from those more downtrodden than others isn’t the OG way.

One way it could be done is have a regular co-op sign up for TL2/ TL3 but supporters who show interest have a guaranteed pack with their name on it. It’s a fair trade. Supporters get a single guaranteed pack no matter how many people sign up, @LemonadeJoe can keep the lights on here, and it incentivizes more OG’s to donate to the server because, again, guaranteed seeds. BUT nobody takes the lions share.

I’m headed over to the Patreon now, I love you all!


using the power of lemonade joe and the fame of Overgrow I would try and convince more companies to offer freebies. I would imagine you could easily find a company a month that sees the value of the marketing. ( i’ll do the work for you when i’m not working over the winter)

If supporters were automatically entered into monthly give aways from “vivosun” or “foop” that regular members weren’t more people might support for a chance of that lottery.

I haven’t supported yet. I try to put any bank information on the internet as little as possible. Expessiccaly on something that takes money out on a regular basis. This site already cost me hundreds in stamps. Im sure it counts for something… ? does it? Do all the people giving out freebies help ? Or does it just bring in the shitheads ?

I can afford to mail you a 5$ cash donation right meow.


i had an idea that could be fun - maybe in heated topics with a diverse audience like the Sour D forum it can be coded into the system that every third post has to be a photo related to the topic (preferably your grow), that way forums with lots of blabber are balanced with photos. this would probably only work on the more mainstream strains and topics - that way you can talk freely, but also when you read it’s more balanced like a book or website and doesn’t piss you off since you see beautiful plants and they keep coming at you.

I would also like to try to mod a forum topic, but not sure if I have time. I thank OG for bringing a lot of happiness and good people into my life. It’s nice to give and receive seeds and joke around with everyone while learning how to grow better.

maybe somehow the post can be higlighted purple or something that means your post has to have a photo, but not a meme.

I am just as guilty of this as everyone else lol I like to ramble with my friends after I hit that bong as many others - timed photo posts could be cool - I think we can keep the camaraderie this way and include the salesman, grandpa storytellers bogarting that joint (me), botanist farmers!, and young bucks

I would also love to invite AJ and Karma to speak directly to us there.


I think a seed collector youtube show would be amazing. Most of us came here for seeds, and ill bet the collections would be insane. No face, just seeds, chat about them live. Lookup chad westports seed collectors for ideas.


I really appreciate what @LemonadeJoe and other supporters of Over Grow have done. You all giving up your free time to keep the site running smoothly is really awesome of you.

I use to be on OG back in the early 2000. I would smoke and get online and mostly lurk since growing wasn’t legal where i lived at the time. I followed BOG and watched his amazing grow and seed work. I’m glad to be growing again and back on the site. It’s legal now so the stress is gone and I can contribute to posts and threads without worry. I think a contribution to the site is reasonable to those who can afford it. I should be able to support as well. I really like the idea of following members. I hope that this can be available to all users and it actually may inspire more activity in even new OG folks who may become members or more at some point in time.

I want to say that I’ve gotten really helpful folks help here on OG recently and I really appreciate that. I think the majority of people here have been incredibly helpful and respectful, so thank you all for that.

I would suggest an anonymous poll @LemonadeJoe with the top liked ideas from this thread. That would be useful to gauge the members on these ideas to see what fits best. We can all vote for the ideas that could benefit the OG site, Moderators and supporters the most.


Hi, @LemonadeJoe I like that you’re transparent about all of this and it makes it easier for us to understand your situation!

I do agree on many points here so I will go through some of the points that I believe would be good for the community and to help you working full-time on the forum, I believe it’s in every OG members best interest.

  • More visual queue that you’re a donator. For example, custom frames around your portraits on posts. Pick and choose from how other forums have done it. This should include seed donations for site auctions.
  • More people equals more problems and I’ve noticed it coming through more and more. We have awesome staff that does hell of a job, but I believe they soon need back up and this is something you should be more transparent with to give hope to the people that are thinking about leaving our wonderful platform.
  • Some people on the forum are constantly pushing the agenda that you don’t care and are only in it for the $$. It’s members, supporters , but also OG Sponsors. You need swift action against these people and maybe not punishing them, but atleast talk with them and that their agenda hurts us all.
  • Be more selective with who’s OG Sponsors. Today we have… Let’s call them “grey zone” people who’s OG Sponsors and they cast a shadow on the site and the community. As I understand it, OG is suppose to be a safe place and having these people as OG Sponsors does make it seem that you don’t care about us growers and only want the $$. It’s better to be selective with who you have associated with the OG brand, then to leave the door wide open. For example, when NOTSODOG fked up, he got excluded from Breeders Syndicate because they didn’t want to associate their brand with his fk up.
  • Demote and promote, OG Leaders and do a “ceremony” out of it. Last I checked half of the Leaders are totally inactive and for the years I’ve been active I’ve never seen something about someone becoming a leader. Yet if you read the threads about the inner workings of OG, you get the impression that it’s something special and something one would like to achieve.
  • Make the patreon with its perks a part of the ads on the site so members get reminded now and then.

Things not to do…

  • Get seeds involved, this would make the whole thing “pay-to-win”… This is not what you want.

If you want to work full-time, you got to utilise what’s good about the OG brand and that will help you getting sponsors and supporters. Strengthen the brand will also strengthen your position and that will unlock what you’re after.

Pz :v:t2:


Ooo, or maybe another perk for Patreon supporters could be ad-free viewing, or a reduced number of ads for supporters.


My ad blocker was removing all ads on desktop until the recent update where it removes everything except the one at the bottom of the thread. None in between posts.

Are there ads between posts on desktop or just on mobile?


Oh that must have been the same case for me. Think I only see ads at the bottom of the page. I don’t remember those before the update.

They don’t bother me, but having an ad-free (or ad-fewer) option would be a perk that could make it more enticing to be a supporter for some people.


I believe 4 were promoted to Leader status in 2020 and 3 more in 2022. So it does happen. I remember when it was announced in 2022 but cannot remember where that thread was.


I’m sure it happends, but my key point is that it’s not noticed and a lot of the leaders are inactive people. I believe it’s something that should be celebrated by the whole community. :smiling_face:

Pz :v:t2:


I totally get what you’re saying. I just remembered them announcing the 2022 additions and all the congrats that went out. If I recall, there was a pinned thread for a while. But yes, I agree, new leaders should be celebrated for earning such a status.


My AD blocking is working on PC.