Overgrow.com: Let's Talk About the Future

I’ve been meaning to log back into Patreon and throw some money to OG. Finally did it just now! @RainToday hit the nail on the head - I prefer to pay for services that I value rather than the “freemium” model where you are the product. Keep up the great work @LemonadeJoe !


Every YouTube personality I troll has their own coffee brand. It is a daily addictive habit and they all make scratch. I know I said this in a message 1-2 years ago, but I think it still would work in addition to memberships. Also in the future, if you bring money in, hire people.


More than just heart / like button.

Can you still run out of likes???

Thank you for reviving Overgrow sir @LemonadeJoe .

Have giving me opportunity to connect with this amazing community that I was first introduced to in the early 2000s.

Got me througu several grows and journals with the support and guidance of many , and made many friends as well.


Finally became a Patreon supporter.


I just re-subscribed to the patreon thing. I can’t see or find the Color Scheme dropdown menu to switch it to the dark theme.
Does it take a few hours for this feature to be available to me?
(I tried to post this in the other post “Supporters Only: Overgrow Dark Theme” but I kept getting a popup saying 403 forbidden… :man_shrugging:


I became a supporter as well 2 days ago.
My profile doesn’t show it and no perks.


I don’t know if Patreon is linked in such a way to automatically give you the badge but I would bet it’s a manual process where Joe goes through the new supporters and adds their badges. I can’t say for sure but I would bet that’s the case.


That is kind of what I figured as well.
Oh well, no rush.
That dark theme will be awesome! :slightly_smiling_face:


Howdy @LemonadeJoe

I wan’t to thank you for welcoming myself and others, with open arm. As soon as I get a few checks in the bank Ill sign up on the Patreon. Money has been funny as of late if you know what I mean.

One thing I do have to say is, I had a hard time even locating the Patreon Link.

Other than this thread I’m having difficulties pinning down where a new member would go? Maybe an easier to locate Patreon button and if its in my face and I’m just being a dork someone please let me know.


It says on Patreon if the email you use for Patreon is different than the one you use for OG, message him and ask for the perks to be applied. I messaged him asking about it but he deleted the messages so idk what’s going on and I’m afraid to message him again about it.

Edit: he did not in fact delete the messages, I had to figure out how to use the new dashboard to get to the “sent” messages.


Appreciate all your time building the OG website, and keeping us all unified as one as well. :100::dove:

Can’t wait to see how this turns out :thinking:


Thanks everyone for jumping on the supporter train so quickly! You’re all awesome!

I think I’ve set everyone up with their supporter perks. If you haven’t heard from me yet, it’s probably because you used a different email than the one you have on file here on OG, so just reach out (PM) and let me know!

There’s been heavy flooding here in Czechia (and across Central Europe), so I’ll be delayed in responding to everyone’s ideas and questions. It’s pretty safe in my area, compared to some regions, but the constant rain is causing problems everywhere.


Dark mode is AWESOME!
:green_heart: :green_heart: :green_heart: :green_heart: :green_heart: :green_heart: :green_heart: :green_heart:


Finally twisted my wife’s arm enough and now she’s a supporter too. Thank you @Stardawg2024. Thank you LJ for giving all of us a platform to explore this endless lifestyle. Overgrow the world.


You son of a bitch, I’m in


I cannot afford to donate but contact me if you would like seeds for the auctions and fundraisers.

Stay safe.

Thank you for this website. I will say one of my friends was extremely impressed with the site update and felt like it showed that you were staying active and listening to feedback @LemonadeJoe

People like it when they think you take their feedback seriously and improve things. Like the new reactions.

My buddy was also thrilled to get t shirts.


I also agree that a visual (progress bar) helps people understand the need for funds and that that goals are not being met or sustained.

One personal concern, as many have mentioned, is i have no idea where all this money goes.

You opening up about falling short and getting less support helps me understand that support is falling short of actual costs, and that costs are high. Without you sharing more details, i can only speculate.


What would motivate more members to support the site? Are there specific features or perks that would resonate with the community?

Member support is driven by how much each individual is involved with the community, each one of us that supports OverGrow thru Patreon gives what we can, OG is an open to the public social media website run by donations. The people that visit and never join as at least a member is draining to the server and resources, no one can be motivated to give what they don’t have available. Perhaps it is time to close the door to the public and become a private community that you have to join to view content and post pictures, this would provide the free to join part of the understanding while giving all members of OG the perk of a community that can share openly with every member. The privacy would be a perk for many members new and old, the more it feels like a community that serves itself will increase the motivation to support with what they can.

How can I better communicate the importance of support to new members? I want to make sure everyone understands why member support is crucial to keeping the platform running.

The very best way to get people to donate their funds to OverGrow is to show how much it cost to run the website every month, this is primary to solving the problem where people believe your in it for the money. This would also provide the crucial understanding of what it takes to keep our community up and running for all members to enjoy.

For current supporters: What inspired you to contribute, and how can I improve your experience as a supporter?

I have been a Patreon Supporter since 2018, my inspiration to contribute was and is YOU and the moderators for the enormous amount of personal time that is volunteered by all of you to keep our community running smooth as possible. The original OverGrow was run by the sale of seeds on the stairway to heaven and it was free to everyone to join and abuse others at their leisure, creating chaos was a pass time for people attacking the moderators for whatever the deemed necessary. The popularity then was provided by OverGrow being a one of kind when there was very few websites that provided the opportunity to speak with the like minded and have conversations about the pictures posted. Now there are hundreds of sites to learn how to grow cannabis and places like IG, X, Facebook to provide the sale of seeds by the creators of new and old strains worldwide that are free to advertise to the public. The free giving away of seeds and open trades is the biggest draw of new members and the problem is that many member have more seeds than they can grow in a lifetime. Seeds have become a type of currency with donations to receive them at auction and those funds provide support for the server, without knowing where the funds go this version of support has lost its appeal. I believe that showing the community how much money is needed per month and year is required to keep us moving forward will invigorate the people to donate what ever they can.

To @LemonadeJoe and the @moderators, I believe in all of you and trust in the system that has helped OverGrow rise from the ashes. I have no list of what it would take to improve my personal experience as I have no expectations of the volunteers who are a part of what makes our community the very best place to be. I have always known that I can only get out of OverGrow what I put into it, as with all things in life inside and outside of OG. The upgrades are fantastic and worth every penny I have donated over the years.

My only fears about OverGrow going down is natural disasters like flooding, electric grid shut down and nefarious activities that threaten the community, stay safe my friends.

OverGrow the World with Love.


Well said. I believe in honest communication and criticism. But the truth is getting volunteers to do all that work and maintain their integrity and face all that criticism when bad things happen (regardless of their effort) is a monumental task. Not everybody is willing to do it, not everybody has good integrity, and the people willing to do it might be self interested. So i congratulate @LemonadeJoe for having a quality moderation team.

Ive been open with my criticism and expect better. But i also acknowledge its a sometimes thankless and gruelsome job with rewards that do not match the effort in the least.

As more and more people come in the job becomes exponentially difficult.

Its important to acknolwedge that and that it is extremely difficult to get good staff members.


Well said Helio.
This, this right here is the reason most people should be supporting OG. Imo.
In 1 year here, I have accumulated more than my fair share of great genetics, along with meeting an incredible community that actually cares about people beyond the screen of a pc or phone.
When I first started growing, looking at seed banks. The prices of some of the strains just blew my mind. Never mind the multitude of mixed reviews of “real people”.
OG has been a godsend for information, quality stains, reviews of real life experiences from real growers.
Here take my money, please :pray::green_heart:
I used to help run a gaming site back in the early years and have a little knowledge of how much work, time, energy and commitment it takes to run a site as smooth as LJ and all the great folks behind the scenes.
I was a little shocked to see that we are part of a 1%er for supporters v members. :scream:
We can do better as a hole to make OG the best place on earth, and beyond.
Have a great day, I’m gonna go pop some free beans I got, anyone need any?