When a sponsorship is required to post?

Continuing the discussion from Romulan Genetics:


I just got a PM from @LemonadeJoe that was letting me know I am not welcome to be a member here without being a paid sponsor. And while I just wanted to be here to make friends and chat with people, I cant possibly justify paying a monthly fee just to be a part of a forum like the rest of you here. I want to say that while I was allowed to be here, it was one of the best experiences Ive had in a long whileā€¦ I dont have many friends any more in life due to distances and my health, so having you all to chat with was very nice. I wish you all the best of luck and hopefully I wont be permanently kicked out of here, because I would like to stay a part of this community. :v:


Itā€™s hard to ā€œlikeā€ that post. I think you are an asset to our community. You have not conducted yourself like a money hungry capitalist with constant sales pitches, but have instead been very generous with your knowledge and your blessing for others to use your genetics freely. I can understand why management would want a vendor to pay to advertise on the site, but I didnā€™t get that vibe from you at all. It really felt like you were another memberā€¦


Hopefully you can stick around. I havenā€™t chimed in to the conversations here much but I love reading along with you guys.


I can see it if you had come on trying to sell stuff. Itā€™s only right. But, you never did that at all yet. You answered peeps questions and never saw you put a link up.

Iā€™ve been getting the opposite vibe. Youā€™ve already sent seeds to be re-produced at no cost, and shipped off a AAA clone to another member to grow and distribute freely.

I do get a little irritated when a vendor comes on and goes right to the business. I even want those types to pay because they leave very little with the site other than solicitation.

I know more about your personal life than I do most members here, lol. Not many breeders come to stay. Maybe come back as Wayne instead of RGā€¦ :pleading_face: :expressionless:

Another way to consider it, is maybe use it for an outlet to advertise and post all of the specials you want. I really have no clue what the terms are so I may be blowing hot air.

I sure hope you donā€™t have to bail. I sure have enjoyed your insight and knowledge regarding lots of stuff. Maybe we can figure something out. peace


Thatā€™s complete BS, not the first breeder that has been run off the site. I donā€™t see the issue, itā€™s not like you are using the site to promote yourself or as a sales platform. And you have even shared your breeding cut.

@LemonadeJoe I would ask you to reconsider this, I would hate to lose the knowlege and genetics being shared here.


This is pretty surprising. I know RG posted a link to the site at some point (whether itā€™s been removed or not Iā€™m not sure, I can see this being an issue for a non-sponsor), but aside from that @RomulanGenetics has been a great & productive member. Opening up new discussions, sharing cuts, helping other members. I canā€™t agree with this one. Hope you get to stick around :v:


I agreeā€¦ If he was trying to sell his seeds, which I donā€™t believe Iā€™ve seen, vs what he has been doing, explaining backstorys of his genetics and trying to be a part of the community, the story would be different

Again, if itā€™s just that I havenā€™t seen it doesnā€™t mean it hasnā€™t happenedā€¦ But still, where is the line between member and sponsor when the member is a breeder who hasnā€™t tried to sell anything


Tony is a well respected member, who is also a breeder but not a sponsorā€¦


I post this not to call out Tony, but to ask that there be a middle ground for the few breeders, like @RomulanGenetics and Tony, who are here to help the community and contribute, and donā€™t spend a majority of their time peddling their beans.


Thanks guys, I genuinely appreciate the support! But please dont get upset at @LemonadeJoe

I know he is just doing his job and looking out for the bottom line here on OG. Hopefully there can be some sort of exception made, but if not it has been nice while I was welcomed here.

Iā€™ve had THCFarmer give me full sponsor status for free, simply because I brought in members and worked to bring awareness of the site on IG and other places. Iā€™ve had ICmag welcome me with open arms and give me free space to chat with others and some pseudo salesmanshit stuff. Iā€™ve had Bean Basement treat me like any other member, allowing me to work over a 3 month period at earning my status as official member (other breeders got handed an instant member status just for being breeders). So I can understand how forums operate and need to make a living too. I understand the need for me to pay or go.


Helluva point there sir.


He and I are friendsā€¦ Tony is a great guy. He just made some beans with my seeds too.

(I should add we are acquaintances, not besties or anything. We talk here and there.)

:v: :blush:


dude is not only passing out his cuts for free, hes straight up said ā€œyes, go ahead and do a seed run of my gear that is currently in production and give that out for free tooā€
weve got a legacy breeder sharing knowledge and history here on a site that is all about making+sharing seed and genetics work, and we tell him to pay up or fuck off when hes not even trying to hustle?
seems counterproductive to me


Hey @RomulanGenetics . My small two centsā€¦I hope you get to stay. From what Iā€™ve observed from your interactions on here you appear to be an honest, heartfelt member, that genuinely serves the plant. Iā€™ve only ever noticed you trying to help growers, not ā€œsellā€ them. :peace_symbol::+1:


Perhaps if we could create some kind of ā€œneutral zone.ā€


I too think it is best for the canna community if @RomulanGenetics is allowed to stay.

This community needs folks like him, that are not just about the money.
My two cents



I have also enjoyed reading your posts @RomulanGenetics . It is possible another sponsor complained or that there is fear of one complaining. Not saying this happened, just that its possible.

I wonder what the monthly sponsor fee is? What do you OGers think of possibly chipping in to pay the sponsor fees for RG so we donā€™t lose the vast knowledge he brings to us all? Just a thought.


Iā€™ll chime in as well to say that I havenā€™t seen any kind of behavior that would require a sponsorship feeā€¦ unless heā€™s actually advertising, why does he need to pay to be a sponsor? This doesnā€™t seem right. As others have mentioned, heā€™s given out his seeds for free to be used in a seed run that was struggling and is now offering free clones. There are plenty of people giving out their seeds and clones on here while maintaining seed businesses on the side, and as long as it stays on the side it seems they get to stay as regular users.


ā€œSay it aint so Joeā€!

Sad face:-(


Well, itā€™s Joeā€™s site and he calls the shotsā€¦

That said, my 2 cents is: I hope he lets RG stay as is.
RG has been a positive influence and a great source of knowledge. He hasnā€™t been ā€˜pushingā€™ his products to generate sales in my experience.
