Overgrow.com: Let's Talk About the Future

How am I a taker when I send just as much as I receive. If not more, here goes those hit dogs hollering. And I wasn’t demanding nothing, I asked you politely after you offered. I never said I didn’t have seeds, don’t lie on me. I said I don’t have indica dom seeds, because all they have here is sativa. Get your story str8 before you start telling lies. You and your gang can posse up, cause I know I’m a kind hearted individual and have no problems sharing what I got… Do you

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When i said elitist, i meant more like outright bullying and closed forums or cliques. Not like not trading or not sending you beans. More like name calling or making fun of your plants.

Each person has their discretion to who to trade or gift to… this is something I have always promoted.

What i am against is bullying, lying, or harassment


Take it outside. This thread is not about that.

People are free to do business or not do business with you at their discretion.


The elites is a clique, that’s exactly the same @leetdood and they about to come at me hard :laughing: I’m ready for the lies and bs about to come

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Discretion is what leads to healthy relationships and a healthy community.

Make sure to not confuse discretion with bullying


Take it to the feedback forum. Your experience can be shared and discussed if need be. Hope you all figure it out happily @ManyManySpliffs @leetdood


I hear you @Foreigner and @BTYGMO just was responding to a post and stuff got outta hand but I’m done. I’m about to hit the road and turn up. No point arguing on here and disturbing this peaceful place I love so much… sorry to all you other OG’ers that had nothing to do with this.




As far as motivations:
Personally I view this forum as a community.
So If I can its just about solidarity to keep it running and I like the usual concept everybody that wants can give something they choose. Expending it crazy, not like like having some kind if vision and little improvments, and therefore going into a spirale of needing more and more due growth would be off putting.

I just like how it is and want it to be fair for the persons who put the work in. The dark theme and also the follow function are neat, ngl, the later one I missed but honestly at least for me these functions still should be available for everbody.
I just like supporting. Viewing it as a kind of service would ruin it for me. For some others it might be the opposite which is fine.

I just hope
a) the people that put in the work dont have more cost than what they get
b)everbody else is having a good time since money usually ruin these things


Hard outta damn likes once again.

Exactly why I have left them on. :+1:

I agree.

That’s exactly right.

That’s right. It takes time to build relationships.

Yes, he is.

Thank you, Joe!

Once again, exactly right.


Noone gives away more beans, that I know of, than you @DougDawson, and I know personally that everyone is entitled to them. I have also been known to give a few beans away, and am not picky about who gets them. It’s too bad that you had an encounter like this with a member, but members?
Wiki’s and dibs are mostly luck and open to everyone. If someone paid good money for some beans, I can totally understand them not wanting to trade for just anything. That’s just my 2 beans worth.


My only complaint is the lack of transparency in the sponsored section. I understand that its great source of revenue for the site, but the fact that you cant give honest feedback without getting banned or suspended is pretty sketch.


Are they physical servers? Have you considered using something more elastic like virtual instances? Having worked in the industry for decades it’s the model most large business have gone to and it’s also great for smaller customers.

You can can scale up / down compute resources such as cpu resources, number of sockets or cores / memory allotment (from a pool) and storage size. A good hypervisor like xen or kvm is great and free as in no license like vmware. I recommend kvm. In fact if you want your own physical server consider “proxmox” to carve it up. You can use virtual machines or light weight linux containers easy with a native gui. I’m not sure of your storage needs but a good data store via ISCSI or Fiber channel can allow you to expand as you need. I’d suggest a good clustering aware filesystem running on Linux for multiple mounts. Are you using Windows, how about Linux and get rid of the license cost? There’s lots of good linux distros for free with self support. For security and reliability a lot of guys are moving to a Atomic update / immutable style of linux. And, most providers worth their salt will have multiple data centers spread out and interconnected on a high bandwidth private back end so you and only you can interconnect your services with VLAN tags and ACLS so other customers can’t sniff your data in transit. Said backend is also where you’d vpn in and use ssh or terminal services to manage instances.

Don’t know if any of this is useful or you probably already know this…thought I’d just throw it out there anyways.

But, I’ve seen a lot of people reduce cost substantially buy only paying for what they need …then if they need more space or cpu or memory …it’s just a payment and click on the management gui…and a reboot.


I pay for a sponsorship monthly. Since the update i lost my sponsorship label. Was changed to supporter. Now, that is gone!! What’s going on?
I’ve asked with no answers… @LemonadeJoe or @moderators could you please PM me with an explanation or please resolve this for me?


you got an address i can send cash to ?


@Bobgrows, moderators can’t help you with that, they don’t have access to Patreon or any insight into the agreement between us. Simple PM to me would be sufficient. I see your status as Declined with last attempt on 14th September. Please check it and let me know in a PM. Thanks.


I think the system is transparent in the sponsored section. All topics are moderated by their OP. If your reply is not accepted, you can start your own topic in any other section and provide honest feedback. Nobody has ever been banned or suspended for providing feedback. The issue arises when feedback turns into harassment or campaigning, which is against the terms of service.


Wow, I got to give a huge thanks to @LemonadeJoe. I am working on an auction, and updating from my phone has always been a pain. This is what I have always seen.

To update you had to click between the lines to enter data. Just went to make an update and noticed this edit table button.

When I clicked it I now see the bidding table as this.

What a huge difference. Many thanks, @LemonadeJoe , that makes updating so much easier. :v:


Try logging out of Over Grow and log back in again.


My stoned ass just wondered how many folks would buy extra “likes” :nerd_face: :coffee:.

Ignore the stoner behind the curtain. Many thanks to all who run and support this community — grateful for OG. Realized I had been wearing my shirt for three days straight and was a bit…noticeable :joy:.

Have a great day OG.