Overgrow.com: Let's Talk About the Future

The other day I wore my shirt inside out and backwards and didn’t notice until I got home.

I got dressed in the dark👕


On Saturday iw as at my brother’s wedding and needed a lighter. So I went to the grocery store all dressed up neat and shit and the cute cashier girl was smiling. When I left the store I noticed my pants were open :man_facepalming: :joy:


Perhaps she noticed your pants were open. :grin:


Outta likes yall or I’d be likin’. I did recently eat some chocolate bits left over from the sides of the molds when I made a batch of some shroom chocolate — went to take a walk and half way through my walk I noticed just how high I actually was. Had to make sure I had pants at all. I did. Much to my relief.


Y’all are crazy lmao


I am quite sure she did lol


Hey everyone, check out the new chat feature. :wink:


“That’s why I’m encouraging more member support. It’s not just about covering the operational costs. It’s about freeing up time to focus entirely on making Overgrow the best it can be. With stable support, we’d be able to raise the bar for everyone.”

Fantastic! Thank you for all the you do for the community.


I was temporarily banned for providing feedback in one of the sponsor’s sections. Was pretty much called a liar so I posted pictures of the communications, which were subsequently deleted, as was any unfavorable opinion. Water under the bridge now.
Corrected a typo that someone was kind enough to point out to me. Want to say that ive dealt with several breeders/vendors on here and other than that one instance-each and every one of them has been a pleasure. Above and beyond. My comment does not reflect the whole of the sponsor sections. Nothing but great people doing an awesome job of doing what they love, always support that.


‘Minimum expectations…’


If a OG is able to give a amount only 3 x’s a year can they be considered a supporter

Some are on a fixed income but every now a then a few $ loosen up if it would help out the site


I think it would be nice if there was an option to earn a Supporter title and the accompanying privileges by donating seeds specifically aimed at raising funds for the website and the associated costs of running it. Perhaps a unique “Donor” title with it’s own privileges?

Icmag had/has something similar with seeds donated to Seedbay for the Server Fund. I think something like that would work well here on Overgrow. Many blessings and much love

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Hi @ManyManySpliffs. I believe that you are referring to peer to peer trades. There is no requirement for anyone to trade or to provide to the benefit of anyone else … in fact, I’d say it’s wise to get to know each other beforehand.

Labelling others as ‘elitists’, as a slur, ignores their viewpoint and isn’t the best strategy towards gaining their trust.

Patience and building a positive and mutual relationship within the community is how doors are opened.

There are limited scenarios where the admin, moderators, and leaders would want to involve themselves in such transactions.


I probably made a mistake using unclear language like “elitist” and someone else ran with it.

So id like to say again

What i mean is like, for example, when someone makes fun of what type of hash im smoking, how i use my torch, like high school bullies. That specific event did not happen on here but it is the type of behaviour that i dislike and abhor.

It is not about if someone will trade seeds with you or be friends with you. It is about people acting like they are crabs in a bucket.

This isnt directed at anybody. I just want to be as clear as possible about what I was saying. Its a clarification, not a rebuttal.


Were you yelling at folks that you would make them Jump Jump?


No but they were wiggida wiggeda whack




UK420 does the same. Essentially you’re buying a subscription the seeds are a free perk of either 12 months or a lifetime subscription. It’s a decent idea.


Can we get a block feature with no time limit please


This would be a nice feature to have.

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