Overgrow Muscle

I train 3-4 times a week (day on/day off), doing a push pull, upper lower split.
I’ve always been pretty active most of my life, from being a Pro Wrestler, lifting weights, training BJJ and doing MMA.

When I was younger, late teens, me my bro and a few friends used to lift weights like 24/7. Even on a drinking/smoking session wed hop on the bench high as fuck and have competitions :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Last time I tried smoking before working out, was in my late 20s, and I nearly fell asleep on the bench at the gym :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :rofl:

I do occasionally like a a good sedative variety, usually the day or two after a heavy lifting session, when the DOMs are really kicking in.



This is kinda interesting, i never used cannabis as a basis of my trainings, definitely worth trying. I mean i have used a lot of methods of boosting my overall health and perfomance, like for example i did buy anavar online and it was helpful to me, but frankly i feel like i need to do everything better and better and thus maybe using cannabis will also be a good thing, which will help me. And i also would like to hear some opinions of people who are here, and maybe they will provide me with valuable info about how i can use cannabis to boost my perfomance as well


Thought this might’ve been about pipes chains & cement shoes :rofl:



For me it turns something grueling like cardio into a little road trip. Turn on some tunes. Find a long trail. Grind it out. I have sober track times and stoned ones. My stoned ones are always faster lol. I spent 8 years in the military so physical fitness has been crammed down my through and there was a time I hated it. This was just something to kinda take it back. Make it something I enjoy again. I’ve incorporated into strength training. Similar results. I’m just over strength training and would rather be burning miles.


Each day for the past 15 years I run 15 times up three flights of stairs. Every other day is bench press 2 sets of 50 at 160. Then 50 reps each arm curling 20 lbs bells. Then third day is legs. I’ve cut most all soda, and eat mainly chicken now. Been veering off for a bit. I went from 289 to 195 in a year. Also drink a gallon of water each session. Also wrestled into college. And did track and field. As well as skated my whole life.


I’m in ^^ Old fashioned maintenance, i’ve a momentum of intensive practice (youth). If i stop to maintain, i transform quickly in a cubic-greasy-pitbull, it sux to age.

Punching bag sessions that i cut with various cardio/lift things (push ups, althere/car rims ^^ …).
I use a sebsi(hash pipe) before/after that i fill with well packed weed. My favorite for this is AK47, always give good sessions. Or Jack Herer for very long sesssion.


Sorry before all this I smoke a doobie…it’s gets me in the ZONE. :rofl:


But not the Zander zone :laughing:

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I personnally loved it, but unfortunately … nothing replace a good one (water resistance) in ghetto style.


@sedin is the BEST …


I grabbed a simple incline bench off Amazon, thin, folds, anyways I set it up on the fully vertical position of 90 degrees, sit on it facing the vertical half. ( or backwards like Butters on a toilet.) lol and pull bands anchored into a wall.


Hell yeah, Dr. Mike is the best. I’ve been binge watching his channel for the past week or so. My girl uses the RP app, I’m thinking about downloading it too.

Lol try a micro dose of mushrooms when training if you want a next level fitness trip. Like .3g , low dose. Most intense mind muscle connection ever plus and very meditative experience focused on the body.

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funny acid story, 4 of us on 4 hits moved,rolled over a boulder, we came back for a smoke section, one of our regular outdoor away from people smoke spots, could not budge it. on acid it was like i think we can do this and just did. after there was nothing from the inside to pull from or not even close to enough. no one was soar after,or pulled anything.