OverGrow Poster 24x36, 45 OG pics, your pic in the center. Fundraiser to support OG

Poster received today. I’m going to wait to remove it. I need some push pins. Thank you so much!!!


Awesome! @ColeLennon looking forward to seeing it.

@Floyd Package Delivered.
@Panamajock Package Delivered to USA Destination.
@Bobgrows Package shipped sending tracking number.
@DougDawson shipped
@CanuckistanPete Shipped
@Pigeonman Shipped


I absolutely love this thing, seriously great work on this buddy, it’s really high quality paper stock, thanks @Heliosphear and everyone else too🙏


Yep, received. Thank you


You have been entered into this Sundays OverGrow 420 racing event.

@buckaroobonsai Looks GREAT!


@Heliosphear my poster arrived today. Thank you very much for doing this great giveaway.



Hi man my poster showed up today thank you very much. Its huge lol, and looks amazing :heart_eyes:

Cheers :+1:


Received mine @Heliosphear !
That one is huge! Very nice!
I so appreciate it very much!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Thank you! :v:

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Extremely Pleased posters are Loved.
@Shadey the 24x36 made me push back to look at it cause it’s so big.
@Bobgrows Happy the right posters made it. :sunglasses:
@ShiskaberrySavior Nice! This giveaway has been a team effort and went very well.

After looking at the mistake sending 18x24 and seeing that it’s clear and readable for OG ID’s I have decided to make them available for $15, free shipping USA, $14 shipping international and $5 donation to support OverGrow.

OG’s provided $217 in donations, $200 has been sent to support OverGrow, $17 remains in holding.


@Heliosphear - just letting you know my BIG poster replacement arrived today. It’s BIG…REALLY BIG!
And beau-ti-ful! Thanks again buddy!!!


I got a surprise yesterday as well! The missus brought it in while I was out so I missed it until this am when I was very confused finding it because yesterday was a holiday so I didn’t expect any deliveries!

In the frame it went after second coffee. :ok_hand:

It looks fantastic outside the entrance to the basement garden. :wink:

Thanks so much @Heliosphear !



@CanuckistanPete and @Pigeonman Thank you for being understanding and letting me make up for my mistake.
@DougDawson magic 8 ball says… your posters are out for delivery.


Thanks @Heliosphear, I needed some positive news today.

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You’d doin alright?

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No bud, been a tough day. Had to take my little buddy into the vet this morning as he just stopped moving around on Sunday. Got a call a couple hours ago saying he had a seizure followed by cardiac arrest and is now gone. Not looking forward to going home to tell my wife and daughter.


The wife and I send our condolences. @DougDawson and Family.


Thanks brother :pray:


Hard to like this post, but I feel for ya friend. Losing a loved pet is like losing a family member to us. We had an epileptic fur baby once. The seizures were horrible to watch. It was only a matter of time. We came home one day to find her not long after a debilitating one that likely ended the same way. I really wish that my wife hadn’t been there. So maybe you’re lucky in that way. I’m really feeling for you bud. I hope that a similar story like this can help you overcome the sadness and loss. My hands out and my ears are open. Embarrassing to admit, teary eyed as well. My heart going out to you and the family.
Much love!


Thanks bud. My pets have always been like my kids, we get very attached to them. Had myself a little cry sitting outside work after doctor called. It’s just gutting me to have to go break this news to my family. My wife has been stuck working from home for a couple years and he has been a big part of her day, every day. It’s going to just destroy her. Thanks for the kind words. Going to head into work as I have just been kind of sitting here staring off into space for some time now.

Sorry to hear Doug. That day is coming soon for us too. Never easy…they become part of your family.