OverGrow Poster 24x36, 45 OG pics, your pic in the center. Fundraiser to support OG

I was goofing off with a few things…

And this one I designed on my phone last night… lol A show on TV was showing ancient shot of when the land bridge was still in tact in the Ancient world… so I took a few photos and worked with them…


When my poster arrived, Ladybug was soooo excited.

She thought someone sent her the worlds largest Toblerone… yeah, the girl has a problem with chocolate. hehe.




@Heliosphear Poster is phenomenal and I have Oldskool right in the Middle for his memorial thank you much will cherish always


Bro @Heliosphear
I just saw a new YouTube video clip of yours AMAZING work


Mmmmm this one?


Yeah that’s it great work brother

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Thank you @Papalag :sunglasses: It always great to hear about a job well done.

That was so freakin cool Helio… really loved it bro, watched it once then casted it to my 60" tv to watch again and crank up the surround sound… your video quality is epic and sound is banging to… Your sir deserve a Carty Sticker…

Adhesive not included… hahaha


The challenge was, Carty cannot bend all the way over being fused in his 4 lowest vertebra. So picture me using a grabber to set down 10 at a time, all face up, then use it to move them into place. grrrrr sometimes. hahaha. wife is like, want me to help. NO. yup, I’m a guy. I HAD TO finish this myself. and, I didn’t.
Ladybug had to finish the last word for me, back gave out finally…

This is dedicated to my Overgrow Family…


That is Awesome @Carty quick count 108 packs times 12 seeds per… that’s like 1,300 seeds! That’s a lot of love. Thank you.

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Great video and great looking plants ya guys.

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And that just a little over half my collection… and another box otw soon from Matt’s house… the dude is gone and still giving… so I do my best to pay it forward…

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Finally got them framed and they look great.