Overgrow’s Seed Pucks/Send Coins - POST YOUR PUCKS!

I just saw @THCeed had a DOPE new Bart-icon 3D printed seed coin, and I burst out laughing. That is so absolutely cool, I can hardly believe it! While the standard has seemed to be flat rubber washers and “coin flips,” (the little paper and plastic window packets meant for coin collecting,) the 3D printed coin/seed holder/thingies are obviously popular, and increasingly so! They come in a variety of shapes and design. Mostly, I’ve seen 10 slot coins, but Ive also seen 5 and 6 and 9 and an open ridged one that held maybe 30. Different arrangements like hexagonal, star shapes, etc. Some have stickers to seal in the seeds, and recently I received an incredible 3D printed capped-coin from @CerebralMeds which tickled me even more than the Bart-coin!

To clarify, the point of these things is to help prevent seeds from getting crushed in the wide variety of conditions those valiant, traveling seeds find themselves inside (and outside) the unforgiving mail system. From the “Rollers Of Death” evaluating mail thickness at postal sort locations, to the maw of the mailman’s archnemesis, The Inspector Dog, a lot of things can go wrong trying to overgrow the world.

In this thread, please recognize the amazing development of stoner-technology and POST YOUR PUCKS!

EDIT: theres a million names for these - what’s your favorite? Seed puck? Printed embryonic capsule? Having trouble linking pictures here but hopefully the rest of you can fill us in with visual goodness :wink:

@ix3u it seems you are one of the great originators or distributors of pucks - thank you for your efforts! Truly, it is a unique form of functional art.

The Bart Puck: Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 17) - #3839 by THCeed

Amazing Seed Loader technological development 3D Printed Seed Shipping Pucks and Loader - #60 by OhNo555

@Tlander showing off the puck-printer 3D Printed Seed Shipping Pucks and Loader - #56 by Tlander


17 posts were merged into an existing topic: 3D Printed Seed Shipping Pucks and Loader