Overgrow Supporter Intregrity? Does It Even Matter?

I have been on this site for over a year. I just participated in my first contest. I won 22 packs of seeds. I was excited about getting the seeds and offering them to the first respected badge earner in the U.S after contest closed. What I got is not even an acknowledgement that I was a 22 pack winner. This supporter waited until I asked about my winnings to bash me for even asking and blame me for him not wanting to pay up because his own contest over rode his sketchy ass. If this less than a man tries to offer my winnings to any earner of the respect badge later to clean this up. They are not from my winnings. I wouldnā€™t trust a seed from anyone that promotes a contest to bring buzz to their product and then robs a winner not only of acknowledgment that they won at contest end, but then goes so low as to blame the winner of 22 packs of seeds for him being a low life piece of shit. How can someone be a supporter of this site and promote overgrow when they are spineless reneging punks. Say it ainā€™t so Joe @LemonadeJoe


personally i think you should work this out with the person that you have issue with rather than publically blasting like this. it doesnā€™t seem like heā€™s avoiding any discussion about the situation, itā€™s just that you donā€™t like his response.

my opinion is certainly my own so take that for what you will, but giveaways are done from the goodness of the giverā€™s heart. if the giver wants to proceed a certain way with how theyā€™re giving, then ultimately that should be their perogative. you may not like personally how it plays out, but rather than harp on how things didnā€™t seem to work out like you wanted them to, perhaps move on and appreciate all the other blessings of life.

maybe itā€™s easy for me to say, so i dunnoā€¦ iā€™m sorry youā€™re feeling ripped off by this whole situation. do you want some seeds? iā€™ll send you some seeds.


Iā€™m sorry you had this experience, and I sympathize with you.

Firstly, anyone can become our Supporter by sending us a donation. Iā€™m not vetting Supporters anyhow. So I donā€™t think this has anything to do with being a Supporter.

Secondly, Iā€™ve seen your particular issue with a member organizing that giveaway. Itā€™s up to him which picture he wants to paint about himself. Itā€™s there for everyone to read. I may not agree with his decision, but thatā€™s all that I can do.

If itā€™s a giveaway organized by a member, we unfortunately cannot hold them responsible.


No thank youā€™ but thanks. itā€™s about integrity. Lack of.


Thank youā€™ not interested in seeds or holding them responsible. Putting them on blast is good enough for me


Hahaā€¦well, I had no idea who ColeLennon was talking about - UNTIL YOU NAMED THE OTHER MEMBER! Oops! :shushing_face:


There are more seeds in the world my friend. Take a breath and let it go.


What in particular are/were you looking for? I just might have it tucked away. Iā€™ve had a GIVEAWAY go sideways, but in the final process of righting the ship. I hope you get your/that situation resolved. SS/BWā€¦mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes: NOTE: The ā€œsidewaysā€ mentioned was on MY end, NON-ASSOCIATED WITH OG!!


Itā€™s unfortunate the way that played out @ColeLennon but I am not sure what you are really going to accomplish with such a post. This giveaway had nothing to do with being an OG supporter. Anyone can be a site supporter simply by donating to support the site so I would not conflate the 2 things.


I have to agree that once you won the items were yours to do with as you please, you are correct in that perception. If it came down to it the law would be on your side as the giveaway was done with an assumed full disclosure and did not stipulate any sort of requirements other than the answering of the questions by you which were acknowledged as being correct. If you so choose to pass on your winnings after the fact that is your prerogative as the winner and therefore the owner of these items. Yet you should have seen the writing on the wall when dude blasted you with an F bomb for making a suggestion, it shows they may not be the most mentally stable of personalities and have communication issues, and you should tread lightly. I agree with you 100% that this is a reneged agreement. Dude appears to have a power trip and wants to maintain control over the discussion rather than working with you like a reasonable adult. I guess youā€™ll need to write this off since dude obviously isnā€™t going to uphold his side of his agreement. Joe said it best: ā€œItā€™s up to him which picture he wants to paint about himself. Itā€™s there for everyone to read. I may not agree with his decision, but thatā€™s all that I can do.ā€. Thanks for at least uncovering that picture.


I muted that hash clown after our first interaction. I suggest yā€™all do the same :wink:. Feels good to know I got that right :yum:


Ya Joe explained that to me. I understand that now. I started on a site called thecannacabana.com in like 2005-2006 my screen name is MOP I am not at all used to this lack of integrity. Is not about beans or need. Itā€™s about doing the right thing. Its about not taking advantage of people with a pretend blanket of wellness but hiding in the shadows only to yank that blanket off them.


I donā€™t know all the details here but not everybody is to be trusted. Here, let me hold on to your wallet for the next 6-8 weeks.


yep thanks for the comments :slight_smile:



hash clown lol



Yeah it definitely struck me as an imbecile, fool, jesterā€¦:clown_face:

I canā€™t even remember the interaction. But Iā€™ve only muted three people in over a year. I canā€™t suffer fools. Donā€™t have it in me. Ill just walk away in person. Muting is the forum version of walking away.


Stick with the cool people broā€¦ if u have an issue or someone is outright rude for no apparent reason as @Eagles009 saidā€¦ itā€™s best to just block/mute and move onā€¦ Iā€™ve only muted a couple people myselfā€¦ for similar reasonsā€¦ just people mad about things that they shouldnā€™t be mad aboutā€¦ itā€™s exhausting to say the leastā€¦ hence the better move be blocking themā€¦ OG is not about these petty arguments itā€™s about everyoneā€¦ hopefullyā€¦ being a community pushing towards better knowledge and better grows. Along with the sense of family that tends to come along with all the good folks on OGā€¦ many many good folks outweigh the bad hereā€¦ I imagine itā€™s everyoneā€™s strive to improve this siteā€¦ get rid of potlore etcā€¦ but it isnā€™t an instantaneous thingā€¦ be patient youā€™ll find better bro


I hear you and thank youā€¦ :slight_smile:


weā€™re all adults here and i donā€™t think anyoneā€™s trying to hide anything. people are free to look back through the interaction and decide for themselves what they think of the situation if itā€™s of any interest to them.

but iā€™ll be happy to go back and edit/censor my post if that would be the proper thing to do. iā€™m certainly not trying to put anyone on blast.


Na ur prob doing everyone a favor the way it soundsā€¦ just a next time remember thing lol. @highminwin

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