Scammer Alert?!

Ok so some real funky stuff is going on.
On Instagram yesterday I seen a “giveaway” post pictured below

This giveaway post is a huge red flag in my eyes because this Spacebound Genetics is asking for 20 crypto dollars to ship “free” seeds.
I trust my instincts 100%, so I called it out as a scam on my page.

Here is the fun part. This guy responds to my post with comments about being respected in the Industry, and tagging 3 people to vouch for him.
One of those people being @DannyTerpintine . Who it turns out is also here on OG.

Another red flag? Tag yourself as someone who can vouch for you? Lol

Maybe I am overreacting, maybe not. Either way I want this out there. And since he mentioned @DougDawson and @LemonadeJoe , maybe we can get some clarification as to what’s really going on here??


This can actually get pretty deep if you ask me. So many questions about Auctions, fundraising, scams already exposed such as @Hugh_Glass taking a ton of seeds. How can we verify what is going on behind the scenes here?


The Spacebound website was created in 2020 and this @DannyTerpintine shows up here at the same time
Too many red flags if you ask me


Hey @Vagabond_Windy , that’s really weird. So he tagged me and @LemonadeJoe ? Firstly I don’t nor have I ever had an Instagram account so tagging me makes no sense. I know Danny from this site and I was under the impression that @DannyTerpintine was SpaceboundGenetics, I am unaware of Danny having any other folks involved in his work but that is something Danny would have to answer since I cannot say for sure. Thanks for putting this out there, if this guy is quoting my name than I would really like to know what the heck is going on. Hey @DannyTerpintine , any light you can shed on this?


So, I’m not on IG, but is Spaceboundgenes2.0 the same as Spacebound Genetics?

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He didn’t tag you on IG but in a DM he said you could vouch for him giving away stuff here, which is cool, if the genetics are real but who’s to say? Here is said DM

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I bought a pack of akbb beans from Danny. Got what I paid for plus some extras.

Where’s the scam here? Getting like 8 bucks after shipping?


It might not be a scam but he hasn’t done himself any favors by asking for crypto and getting super defensive. Idk why he would care if one person came along and said it’s a scam. IG is full of scammers he should completely understand people’s suspicions.

If I’m giving something away I’ll pay shipping… Otherwise I wouldn’t call it a giveaway…lol

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Scams can get way more elaborate than just send me money and I send you nothing. Have you grown those AKBB seeds?


The fact that he tagged @DannyTerpintine on IG is blowing my mind. Why tag yourself as someone who can vouch for your work? Makes no sense at all


I did open the sealed pack and pop 3. They germed successfully.

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Crypto dollars? No recourse if it goes badly, FWIW.

For that matter, I don’t recall Danny giving away ‘100s’ of packs here. He had auctions (some with ‘spacebound’ genetics’).


Basically, this. Crypto is infamous for scams because payments can’t be reversed, so the fact that he’s asking exclusively for crypto payments already makes it RKS-level stinky. Asking $20 for “free” seeds just adds that extra little whiff of cowpie. It might be entirely legit, but I certainly don’t blame @Vagabond_Windy for being suspicious.


He randomly called me out on instagram as a scammer because someone sent him an email from a FAKE Bodhi Seeds Gmail address. I clarified with him that I had nothing to do with that. Then he just proceeded to call me a scammer. I don’t even know who he is and never had any interactions with him prior.

Spaceboundgenetics2.0 is my insta acc for my seed page. My original one got reported.

The seeds I sold in auction were all ORIGINAL SEALED BREEDER PACKS. how you scam with an original sealed breeder pack is beyond me. Why that’s still being brought up is also beyond me… I’m so over that auction drama.

Please stop fuddling me.

I can only accept crypto, my PayPal account was also reported and banned for seed sales…?

@Northern_Loki 100s maybe have been a slight exaggeration, but I surely forwarded @DougDawson at least 100+ packs for his giveaways. Just because he asked for giveaway packs and I thought he was a cool dude.


I definitely did not associate you with the Bodhi scammer, I only put you and him on the same post :+1:t3:

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You still haven’t answered why you tagged yourself on my IG comment? Almost as if you didn’t know I would put 2 and 2 together :joy::sob:

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Ok, well, my mind is made up. Since @DannyTerpintine clarified it is him, I’d say he is not a scammer. I have received seeds from him through both @DougDawson and @misterbee (well, those are in the mail). I know he has given away many beans.

I do understand the initial skepticism, but he seems to have explained why crypto. At least to my satisfaction.


I’m not entertaining you any more. There’s tons of examples of how I’m legit. Goodbye.

The amount of times I’d had 500-1000 given to me on this site, why would I try to scam $20 from someone lmao.


I know his Sowah seeds are real that he made available to the og fam.


I did give out a ton of his stuff here and all can be seen in the free seeds and clones threads over time. I saw no scams going on. He sent me seeds and I gave them out paying postage out of my own pocket. I know some had issues with the auctions he did but that is not something that concerned me, that was between him and the site who approved him doing it. I also bought my Sour Bubble seeds from him in one of those auctions. I have seen nothing that would indicate Danny is anything but above board personally. Not much more I can say, if the man wants to give out seeds and can only accept crypto than that is what it is. I guess if someone does not want to do that than it is up to them. I personally don’t use any kind of crypto. The bottom line for me is Danny has only shown me that he is a good guy, I have no reason to doubt him or think he has anything nefarious going on. Not much more I can say.