Pap’s 2022 spring grow

The dirty dozen. I love it! Looking great! What is Samsquatch?:grin:
Beautiful Oaxaca male. I love the structure of that pheno.


He is a looker studly :joy: and the tallest in the bunch

It’s an auto I got from Sebring it’s said to get a good yield and supper tasty bud

I normally send all auto to My buddy out in Arizona he can’t seem to figure out how to use a timer properly and killed everything I send them ! so far he hasn’t killed the autos but it takes them like 10 seeds to get a plant

He just won’t listen
So I just watch the show lol


Sorry. Lol. I do like the blue light. Plants looking good.

image. @Oldtimerunderground put me to work.


It’s originally from Mephisto Genetics who produces auto fems. Some offerings are crosses of their own strains, but others are simply a good ‘regular’ strain that they bred a number of generations to make it autoflower. For example, their “Walter White” is an autoflower version of Krome’s The White. Samsquanch is their version of Yeti OG. The name comes from the comedy series Trailer Park Boys - it’s a mispronunciation of “Sasquatch”.

Last night I smoked some more of the Samsquanch I recently grew. I used those same F2 seeds distributed by Sebring - BIG thanks to whomever performed the reversal/reproduction!!! It took 89 days from planting the seed to chop, and it yielded 185g (6.5oz). It’s really potent, stanky stuff! My favorite out of 6 different auto strains I ran to dial in the tent. Biggest yielder too.


Today we fill the Octopots I’ve chosen the 4 clones

3 already gave great root development

The 3 rd should have rooted soon so in to the Octopots they go

Ssdd still not showing roots but will get up potted just Ed the same


Octopots filled , clones transplanted, octo-dome installed

Watered from the top the 1st watering with 1 gallon water with rhizotonic
Added 1.5 gallons to each reservoir of the same
Dome will help them through transition
I’ll remove the dome in a week
Soil line is only 10 in to the top ( no need to fill that big octopod bag)
Roots will take 14 to 20 days to hit res but you’ll know when it happens ! The plants go boom :boom: lol


Now never tried this before the auto in flower was in 12/12 but couldn’t keep her in there no room so I figured I’d try this out


I think they don’t care in what light cycle they are hum|nullxnull, they will be fine… Arriba|nullxnull


I have started autos on 12/12, then increased the hours without them bugging. Grain of salt though, because my max lights on time, even in veg is 16hrs. :+1:


Figured I’d give this a try
Wrapped male in parchment paper to collect pollen
She’ll stay wrapped for a few days then we’ll see how easy this will turn out lol



Well @Papalag looks like I will be dipping my toe into the darkside soon enough. Micro octopots are back on Amazon and I just ordered 2. Prepare for questions! :laughing:


Cool I want some myself for moms and autos for the small tent

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What are they called? I would love to try them for my mother plants.

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Thanks Pap!!

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Hi guys
Just a quick up date pic

8 Oaxacana Clones still awaiting roots.



Hi all seems to be moving right along

3 out of 4 Octopots are doing fine they already had root development but the ssdd had no root development ( I picked the wrong clone others rooted in 2 more days ) when up potted to the Octopots
Yesterday she started to look like she was improving
I placed her under a dome for a few more days did help
Color is coming around and I see growth
So I will leave her alone but I have a back up clone rooted and much bigger so if she don’t kick in soon she’ll be replaced my her bigger sister

Just a few shots



Looking good man!

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Thanks buddy

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