Papalag. All things Sinister seeds “Something Sinister This Way Comes “

It’s tied with drums for me lol


Iv had herijuana seed of some cross or another around for years
I know that indy has been using the same herijuana stock since woodhorse Motarebel and sannie we’re all working on it and I believed this is a combo of same but I could be mistaken

I do have some herijuana seeds and I believe I’ll run them later this year

One of the crosses I like is and old sinister cross called godsmack its Joti god bud x herijuana

Killer coffer / chocolate ish taste


It’s always been the guitar and the Harmonica for me


I keep saying OG needs to form a band haha


That godsmack sounds yummy!!! Did they name that after the alice in chains song godsmack or did they name it after the band Godsmack… who got their name from the alice in chains song godsmack… :musical_note: or is it just so good they called it godsmack? :thinking:


I know indy is a metal head and it’s that good lol


I have grown herIjuana from Vic High, Steve Tuck (Hillbilly Dreams seeds), Motarebel, Sannie, and Meduser and none were similar to the strain I had that was HerOjuana…like the NoFX song. The cut I was privileged to hold was much more extreme, psychedelic and paranoid-inducing than anything I have ever grown from seed. It added a purple haze over your vision and gave an odd metallic taste like coming on to a psychedelic. It would have people hiding under their sinks and in their closets when a siren sounded anywhere within earshot… even if a 1/4 mile away :sweat_smile: and it would make you crash out and wake up with a stone-over six hours later! I have been seeking a similar strain for over 26 years and nothing I have found or that is available has come close. Even seeds that were made from the cut were weak in comparison, stonewise. I assumed its remarkably unique and powerful stonedness was a highly recessive trait


Definitely doesn’t sound like this strain
But if you do find it I’ll be very happy to trade


Hi guys
I haven’t been posting much ho humm

So I decided to work on the next run
( even though this last run is still going )

And the line up is

Sour dawg = Aj diesel x tredawg. @santero
NYC sour = nycd x sour diesel @santero
Chocolate rain f2 @Islayhearts (original by @eskobar )
Ssdd f2 @HolyAngel
Oaxacana @Upstate
Samsquanch auto Sebring seeds

I figured I’d start now and hunt for healthy females to go in to the Octopots

I’ll keep you posted
If I crack them now I can’t change my mind once again so many seeds too little time :joy:
@neogitus stop by and let me know if you’ve run any of these and haw they did

All advice appreciated

The gray haired bandito


the choco diesel crosses produced spectacular females, but fair warning:
sour dawg x chocolate diesel has that ‘infamous’ male that produces a lot
of males in his offspring (not hermies, just many males).

@samwellBB used one of the chocolate kush (= triangle kush x choco d)-males
that showed at his place and created something really amazing with it … so, they
don’t inherit this specific trait :wink:


NYCD x SD (= Double Deez) doesn’t have that problem …
(i think neogitus grew this one. let’s wait for his input about it.)


Do it!!! Woohoo!!!


Thanks for stopping by and your generosity broskie

I appreciate all the in sight I can get I’ll drop a few extra of these just in case only looking foe 1 female for the Octopots and maybe a trip to the woods for the extra lol :joy:


Will be interesting to see if Esko chimes in about phenos from the f2 line. He is clearly the most qualified human to comment on them.



Thanks once again for your generosity and great work

:clap::+1::+1::+1:strong text


here is the Platinum Valley x Chocolate Kush, cross now known as Party Rock
tested at really high thc levels… for what that is worth
above all people seem to like it
here she is

here is the male Chocolate Kush


Nice lineup. I grew the NYC sour in 2019 but I was a way noobier grower back then so don’t laugh at my pics too much :joy:

It grew chunky ass buds that reminded me of ecsd structure a little bit and they smelled like if 5 alive (orange/lemon/tangerine/grapefruit/lime) and mop cleaner had a baby. It was really flavourful smoke too. It stretched quite a bit so be careful of your ceiling.


I’d not even trim that plant. Bud to leaf ratio is epic. :+1:


FOOKIN great beans to choose from!! Close your eyes and your pick winner!! I thought as I was reading the packets I knew that hand writing! Got a few myself, LOL!
Best to you and your choices Papa!
PS: SPRING is here, as my asparagus crowns started shooting spears yesterday!! I know, I excite easy.


@webeblzr @neogitus thanks for stopping by

I have a few more of @santero gear it was all too difficult to choose from all of them winners

Neo beautiful bud bro :+1::+1::+1:

Did you ever grow out then sour d x chocolate cross ?

@SamwellBB thanks for all your input


Not yet. I have the same issue as you, which one to pop most of em sound so delicious :stuck_out_tongue:

Edit: here’s my 3 choc kush x Chewie that I have had in veg for awhile that I’m hoping I can clone soon to flower em out after this run is finished.