Papalag. All things Sinister seeds “Something Sinister This Way Comes “

I just grew one of those Samsquanch autos (in an Octopot!). It got quite large which resulted in a nice yield. I’m really enjoying the potent flower. It’s an auto version of Yeti OG.

When I had a farm, the previous occupants had planted 5000!!! asparagus plants. Every spring was a race to pick them as they matured.


Photo dump
Small tent

ABC from the Preservation run I believe I wanted to show the differences between them and the normal a plant amazing

bubble bubble head seeds came from a stressed plant wanted to see if they are fems and if the carried the hermi gene

Group shot small tent

Mtf x (atf x nl5)
Mainlined with 2 lower branches left 2 gal fabric bags

Black sunshine free style just bent a bit and pollinated to day

Mtf x atf x nl5
Mainline traditional style with 12 mains no lower branches

Next 2 photos is the above plant in the Octopot

Close up of black sunshine

Close up of mtf in 2 gal

Mtf x atf x nl5
There’s a different phenom in the Octopot then the 2 gallons bag a little slow to show buds yet

Feed jacks custom blend 10/30/20 + 5/12/26 + 0/50/30 a wee bit lol at 1200 ppms

@HunnaGodHunna just a few examples of mailing


**Main tent **
Group shot

Grape earth in 2 gal fab bag and bud shot

BSHW x herijuana 2 gallon fabric bag look at that purple also a bud shot

Oilsplll x black lime reserve
bud shot

Grape earth in Octopot and a bud shot

BSHW x herijuana in Octopots and a bud shot she maybe the stinkiest so far

Black sunshine Octopot

Black sunshine a few shots is definitely the frostiest and the stickiest

BSHW x herijuana Octopot

The 2 gallon fabric bag are in flower 8 days longer then the Octopots
All plants are between 6 and 7 weeks in flower
Feeding all jacks custom blend



Man that black sunshine sure looks delicious!

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All looks great!!!

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I pollinated the small plant in the 2 hall bucket today with the pollen from 2 black sunshine males
When I harvest seeds they’re going to be mixed so there should be a Variety of a gene pool


I’d say good choice in father


@Papalag . Wow! Beautiful grows. Super cool training/ pruning job!
Are you deciding what to germinate now or you’ve already decided on the four?


So are the octo pots out preforming the 2 gal bags even though there a couple weeks behind or still lagging behind ?


Thanks bro

I’m running all of them hopefully get 5 females and the auto

The 4 x 4 tent will get the 4 shortest flowering time
And the longest will ( Oaxaca Thant again) in the small tent by her self and maybe a small plant or 2 :joy:


Bro as far as yield oh yeah definitely they are bigger and healthy
The bshw x herijuana in the fabric bag is a different phenom and turned a beautiful color she’s 7 weeks

But the Octopots are all at week 6 and filling in and stacking up



Man I hope the builds I made are as good!!!


Should be bro

I was going to build my originally but ran into so money just had to do it too easy to spend the money lol


Dang, boyyy!
When they said Overgrow the world, they didn’t mean you had to do it all by yourself.
Great looking plants Paps


Thanks buddy :+1::+1::+1:


Oh you know I’m going to want to sample some of that Chocolate Rain!

I still sometimes hope the chocolate goodness you sent me would touch down but at this point unless Santa has intercepted them I don’t think it’s happening :laughing:


Whole garden looks great! :smiley: :+1:


I know I know what the hell are you going to do with all those plant
Ha ha I have a brainstorm I think some will go outside may be a long one of the major highways near me just for shits and googles

Or I’ll go and take a walk in the Woods by one of my favorite fishing spots


If a chocolate rain gets a octopot, be ready for some yield.

This is going to be fun to watch. Good luck.


Just saw this. Gonna have to take a second tomorrow and read through this. I am a big fan of sin seeds. Sinbudd turned me on to him, as @deep_rob turned me into a NL fiend and sin happens to have some killer selections of NL, as well as many other fine things.

Plus you know me, I’m a sucker for octopot’s at this point!