Papalag. All things Sinister seeds “Something Sinister This Way Comes “

Had to move everything into the small tent to start the next run check out how crowded

In a day or 2 I’ll move out the male’s to their own space


MTF x wtf ( atf x nl5 ) sinister

69 days from flip ( 55 from bud development) trichomes still too clear but its going to be soon

Hard dense nuggs


Now there’s theory going around about what creates the hard dense nugs… is it the strength of light… or… is it something else? I want to figure out how to ensure harder denser nugs every time… any suggestions or info?


I don’t know, maybe genetics play a role too. My last 3 plants were :hard, airy and hard. In that order. All under 300w. Same tent/lights have given me all types.

@Papalag that black sunshine is very interesting. Thank you for sharing the pics. This whole thread is a pleasure to read.


Strength/intensity of light(within reason) with a quality spectrum, properly growing it out, and mainly genetics, would be my bets for density.

High Temps (80+) can easily cause foxtails on a lot of strains.

Densest, non-pgr buds I’ve seen, have come from CMH grows.


Now… Temps above 80 w co2 supplement still that way @HolyAngel ? I’m just curious because that’s what I want to accomplish eventually… I’m hoping I have the stuff to accomplish it… but I’m using full spectrum led… gavita pro 1700e… another thought on proving density… I was thinking… in order to prove density of a dried bud… it would be cool to get a set of weights… and place on the nug… keep doing so until it smashes… see how much weight it can hold up before smashing to guage the density itself… I wonder who’s bud could hold up the most weight with an identical sized nug :upside_down_face:


I run led’s myself and happy with the density as-is. I haven’t run co2 in 20years or so, so I’m not sure how it would differ when it comes to heat stress. I’d lean towards you could probably get away with it being warmer if you have the co2, but I can’t be sure.


That’s what I was thinking also… but only certain strains maybe … others may not tolerate the added push and stress

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I avoid having dense buds because of high humidity and its fatal consequences, at the end they finish ground the same on small pieces :sweat_smile:, at least is what I invent to justify my poor results … frech|nullxnull


No… I mean I don’t mean wetter buds… I mean more dense… like just harder plant material… not heavier or more moist

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I plan on using a cannatrol to dry and cure… so hopefully that end result won’t appear in the cannatrol… well again… as long as I don’t put settings too high on moisture content… low humidity during flowering etc…

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The big problem with Dense buds are you can end up getting bud rot

We all search for Dense buds ,it is a bit of genetics and a bit of environment and our feeding schedule all plays a part

But sometimes you get what you wish for I had a blackened oranges that was very dense and I had baseball sized nugs that had to throw out because of


God that sucks!!! So there’s no way to offset this? Can’t dry them even more etc? Or lower humidity more? Anything??

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Lower humidity and more air movement will keep budrot away, but some cultivars just prone to it regardless.


Right on… God I’m dreading anything like that going on

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You’re a pro … Aplausos(1)


Lmao… not even close… just bought as good of shit as possible… I’m new and learning lol… I just figured instead of learning curing with jars etc… why not make sure it’s perfect after all the work… i’d hate to mess it up during a cure… which I’ve done… with last outdoor grow lol… I let it dry too much… before jarring… and omfg was it harsh


If you’re speaking about the one you mainlined you did there a great job, sorry you didn’t finally enjoy them … :disappointed:


Thanks bro
I did cut out the bad and smoked the rest but I may have picked it a week too soon because of the rot


I saw a YouTube video on vinegar In the garden
And it’s said a mixture of vinegar and water will get rid of PM and mold
Also good for roots

Who new ? Lol :joy: