Papalag. All things Sinister seeds “Something Sinister This Way Comes “

I don’t know clams 45 % increase in thc ok

I’ve got a bridge with a toll booth already on it for sale if your interested


Well, they say “certified to get 20% to 35% higher THC and flavonoids” - I would be interested to see what sort of certification they have of that, under what conditions the tests were performed, etc., certainly. That sounds pretty amazing. However, if what they’re leaving out is “we gave some of these out for free to people who seemed incredibly excited at first, and they came right back 5 minutes later and said they worked great, and then we got our psychic to certify that they work” then it’s worth exactly as much as the psychic’s powers are…

Otherwise, beyond saying that other people have made amazing claims and that they have some sort of foggy, uncertain “certification” by authorities unknown, they don’t seem to be claiming anything themselves. Legally, they’re in the clear and can’t successfully be sued for false advertising if their products do nothing. Entirely coincidental, I’m sure. :stuck_out_tongue:


I’d say take those claims with a grain of salt . Finding it tough to believe those numbers .

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Ya 100% exaggeration. I’ve been running UV for a few cycles, my mentor 5-6 and his brother for almost 3 years. We’ve seen an increase, small but noticeable on familiar strains . The biggest benefit is it annihilating pests, mold, mildew etc. that it does 100% I’ve seen it CRUSH pm, and general molds . And have been told it destroys spider mites quickly as well. I have a supplemental UV on my fixture but have since purchased other supplemental in FL form. Definitely needs more time and researching from me and my crew but those numbers just seem ludicrous tbh


What uv brand do you use in FL form @TopShelfTrees1 ?

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I have sola cure In fluorescent form but haven’t used enough to say anything definitively. My others are from RayonLED and are in the original spectrum (so not as ideal for the THC increase) and are led UV’s I also had California light works bulbs I used for a couple runs that helped minimally but they are now in the biogas’s off site mom room keeping things clean @ifish


@TopShelfTrees1 , When in flower do you start using , w5 or on a general feel or stage /sign

How long to start with ( minutes ) and does this increase as you go nearer to the end of flower ?


for the last 10-14 days of the flower cycle, running them on 15 minutes on/30 minutes off cycles for 3 hours per day. I have them on during the middle of the light cycle to simulate peak sunlight. I experience extreme increases to flavors, oils and resin production.


This is what we’ve been trying with the best success thus far. Tbh still very early in our testing phase and I’m just starting to get more comfortable with them. Please remember people this stuff is bad for skin and eyes so please exercise extreme caution.


Thank you for the detailed response , much appreciated : )


I actually stole that exact regimen from someone else a couple years back, I tried something different initially but after trying it this way it seemed to show improvement. That’s EXACTLY how I have it written in my BIBLE lol. My pleasure, anytime. I do very much respect your opinions advice as well.


Thank you man… very cool to get in on new research… I hope to help pave the way along with you guys


Hi all
Welcome to the show
So let’s get started
main tent
flipped to 12/12 ,I also added the extra plants from the small tent that I started flowering 1week ago .
They are in 2 gal fabric bags , middle back row is grape earth .She has the same leaf structure as its sister in the Octopot she was just a bit lanky

In the front middle is BSHW x herijuana
She had slower growth rate and was a shorter, bushier plant

small tent
2 males are doing nicely !
They should be ready to drop poll soon

And don’t for get the babies
Just waiting for the small tent to open up
One is starting to show signs of sex I believe he’s a boy but I’ll wait a bit to confirm

MTF x ( ATF x NL5)

I may start 3 rebel yell x Selene and keep them is 1 gal pots for the small tent to feed in to the corners of the scrog net along with the Octopot just for some old school sinister And she’s normally runs about 9 weeks and leans a bit on the satie side if I remember it’s been a while she is tasty!! For sure !!



Wow that big tent is set to explode , great work as always paps , I’m on the edge of my seat : )


There’s a wee bit of space for bending this 1 st week of transition
But from then on they are on their own lol

Iv been thin about that uv bulb addition we just might do this


Speaking of uv… check this uvc smart humidifier out lol cool shit


That’s pretty cool

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Hey Papa, can you get into the other OG? Maybe I’m the only one locked out. I can get into Sannies, but it’s been days for the message board. I’ve not posted there in while, except to toss a pic up for Flower Power Seedbank, of his HyproWidow13, I finished.
Take care, was just wondering.


Hi @webeblzr
I’m having the same problem I’ve been closed down for days

Actually I thought sannies was down also thanks :pray:


Yeah, says site is unavailable, for me, too.

Hey @webeblzr, maybe @santero could tell us what’s up.