Papalag. All things Sinister seeds “Something Sinister This Way Comes “

@Joker Under watering the lowest leafs dip first and lower leafs always look worse as it progresses up thru plant

Over watering very top leafs curl first and upper leafs are always worse as it progresses down thru plant

With over watering the leafs look like curled witches fingers

With under watering leaf stems don’t have the turgor / internal presure to hold leafs up so leafs dip pointin down but no real curlin more like flopin

The fluid is always pushed to the top of plant first ( survival as this most important part ) and then presure builds up traveling down plant , so if to much water in plant then top affected first then as it builds curlin progresses down plant

Under watering top gets water first but not enough there to build presure for rest of plant so lower leafs flop first starting at very lowest two that dip

The roots in the original pot grew too long in there and adjusted to life in the smaller pot
Then they were put into octo and found trouble adjusting to the octos as been too long in other pot , roots had already established a system for surviving in root bound original pot , now they need care and time to adjust , they still should produce but curling will stay on old leafs as they been that way awhile but new growth if things all corrected should look fine


@ifish Explained very well bro :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:
As usual thanks


If that’s the case then if the spring back with the top watering , clone them then get rid of moms in Octopots and you should have a quicker start then starting over clones are the best way to use the Octopots

*** I do transfer mature plants into the Octopots but I normally transfer them at first sign of sex ( roots are never bound enough to give me a problem ) only in the solo cups for 2.5 weeks then in 1/2 gal pot for 4 more at most ! Easy to root prune at that time


Thanks paps , was hard to put in words but hopefully it paints a good picture on what’s going on inside plant : )


Thanks for sharing your knowledge empollon|nullxnull, easier now to understand plant reactions … beer3|nullxnull


@ifish Thank you for the great explanation!!

If they don’t respond in the next couple days, I will just chop them. Have mother plants, so no big deal other than time lost.


A little extra tip
When seedling first sprout ( just cloytons showin ) , if cloytons look like McDonald’s m then media too wet and they overwatered , roots will not search etc so slower root mass / growth etc , I like one cloyton slight bent and other more horizontal lookin , haha but I’m fussy lol

This is same affect I mention above only in spouts for over watering but same effect , wieght of too much extra fluid making cloytons be like witches fingers , kind of , mcdonalds m is the curling


Great description @ifish !!! Always helpful you are!


Were all in this togeather @Terpsnpurps
: )


God I hope so… idk what I’d do w out y’all … I know what my plants would do… :laughing: perish over and over…


Very informative read. Agreed @Terpsnpurps, without this board and it’s knowledgeable member who are willing to share the knowledge my adventures in growing would have been short.


I’m still going through it kinda… but it’s the end of the bs I’m sure… we have gone through so many things I’ve done wrong lol. Before I joined here I was in a very frustrated why me kind of state lol


It’s also important to share our failures!! In hindsight, I set myself up for failure. With me being sick, these clones spent at least 8 weeks in solo cups. I didn’t think about root pruning when I transplanted.

But, by showing my failure I now have a much better understanding of under and overwatering. Thanks to @ifish.


For sure ifish has been a huge help to many I’m sure along w the rest of these guys as well…


Are they looking any better today?


Maybe a little. Will give it a couple of days and see how they respond. To much longer and they will just be replaced.


Are they getting plenty of fresh air? Or, any fresh air? I can’t remember what you said before. I just remember the plant.


Hi all
I just wanted to do a quick update
So smoke em if you got em
The main tent is like 13 day after flip getting crowded in there

Group shot

Front row
BSHW x herijuana (Octopot)
Finally coming around ,there’s always that one fussy one ! What I thought was her not liking hi ppms ended up being a cal mag deficiency so I adjusted the rez and need to add a little more fertilizer for a boost

BSHW x herijuana in 2 gal fab bag
I Started her flowering1 week early then the rest

Oil spill x black lime reserve

Back row
Black sunshine

Grape earth in 2 gal fab bag

Grape earth ( Octopot )

I’ll defoliate one more time only the larger fans from then on only if it blocks light or air flow

Small tent
matanuska thunder fuck x WiFi (atf x nl5 )
males 2 out of 4 plants
Culled all males and topped the ladies
The one in the Octopot will go manifold style
The clone of the black sunshine rooted so she’s in promix she will be used for making seeds

Check ph in the res 6.10

Hopefully all is well

The gray haired bandito


Most excellent work, and lovely plants!! Best to ya Papa!!


Looking good what strain is standing out from the rest? Black goji?


Black sunshine seems to be the one so far

It’s still early yet