Paws and effect 🪴🌱

this was Danny Trejo’s first on screen appearance, first on screen death, and first ever line of dialogue:

“Yo! Hippie! What kind of a dude are you?!”

Still one of his best lines haha


I know the feeling of worring about mold! now I know why I stopped growing in tents …if you can get away with leaing all vents open and front unzipped that will help. have the fans push the stale air out


That’s wicked man!

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Already on it everything is wide open.!

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60 rh and tons of air flow what’s temp !?
I haven’t followed by it but a good VPD chart might help yah

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Hold on a sec let me check

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75 degrees bud

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Not sure if you have intake fan but maybe you can try releasing air into it from the outside to help dull down heat created from mechanisms…maybe even use it to pull air out of the room …trying to give you ideas bro !

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Thanks ya, I don’t have intake. I am currently trying to pull ac from another area by venting the converted dehumidifier into a fan out the door… it’s usually 80s in there never had a problem but at 35 rh I don’t have many…

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You just need to get consistent air movement throughout the tent and canopy, and get some convection going to prevent stagnant air from sitting at the top or bottom of the tent.

You have an inline fan for exhaust right?

All you really need is a fan at canopy height blowing air directly through the canopy, a fan at the botton of the tent blowing upwards towards the canopy and cieling of the tent, and set up your inline exhaust at one of the bottom corners of the tent.

Set up a passive intake on the opposite side of the tent from your exhaust fan. Best way to do that is with a piece of flexible vent tubing in one of the upper vent ports.

Having the exhaust down low and the intake up high will get that convection going, drawing fresh air down from the top of the tent, through the canopy, and exhausting the damp air from the bottom of the tent.

That should solve your moisture buildup problems and air circulation in the tent.


Awesome thanks for that write up man.

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I bet that’s luxury RH lmao .I tend to get pest with low humidity

Mid flower you Wana shoot for 1.0-1.5 so with plenty of airflow I think you will be good …
Late flower I’d try your best to lower it !


Awesome thank you man.

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Well said bro


my rh is dropping its at 57 rh now sweet!!!. Edit btw. In the beginning I was wrong my tent was at 80 rh. The room was different, lower. Now all doors and vents open ac coming in and fans blowing out. I’ve dropped it too 57 rh as of five minutes ago.


And boom leveling at around 51 rh 75 degrees…now to keep up with it.


Those are definitely safe levels!


That’s good to hear!!!


Ordered. Pawsomeness.

Increase the heat to lower to RH. And keep that air movin until u can dehumidify. :+1:

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