Paws and effect 🪴🌱

I’m going to be feeding one smaller dose, of mega crop 1 part this morning. First feeding. Hope this stuff is as great as the 2 part.


I’m gonna do a couple test plants with the Mega Crop 1 part soon, so I’ll be watching!
I’d like to use it when I do my first co-op, so I’m not growing for seed in BAS expensive ass bags, but I need to get a feel for it so the seed plants actually survive :sweat_smile:


I’m in week 3 of flower. I started out with a 3 g dose per gallon. Working my way up to what’s recommended for late flower,…by late flower.


Beginning of week 4 lights out pics. Buds are getting bigger, the mac1 moms are stacking hard. Did some defoliation and pruning. Also been supercropping these for the past week or so. I’ve given them 3 doses Mc one part ref water in between feedings. Also starting at veg strength. The mom are actually getting to out of control. It’s nice. I was worried for a minute. Also the apple fritter are making buds everywhere its nuts. I can’t wait for this harvest. :deciduous_tree: :fire:


Lights on pics will be better… :wink: edit I might need a machete!


Lights on beginning of week 4 out of 10. 8 apple fritter 2 mac1.

One light looks funky because it just fired up as I was taking pictures.


Now its time for them to start some fade and start stacking the sugar!!! I can’t wait for how this turns out, I hope very well. They are doing really good and budding out nicely, they did that fast growth thing a few days ago and I thought they nannered but I was hesitant because it did the same thing last run, so I just rolled with it and they are gone now the buds noticeably larger than last week, starting to grow more. I am going to be using the mega crop one part every other day until harvest. We will see if it helps with weight and quality.


The saw blades on those fritter, fuck me… those are sick!

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Looking very nice.

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Thank you. The mac1 old moms are stacking. I’m thinking 2 foot colas. No shit. There is sooooo much bud in there it’s blowing my mind man.


Damn I finally found you !
Puts machete down and whipes plant matter away !

"Hey bro idk what you got going but it’s it’s like a fucking jungle in there "

Next time get your own watering can lmao!

I’m sure you know already but keep that rh low and the fans on blow!


Lmao I’m kind of screwed, well see what happens my rh is now 75. My industrial dehumidifier died. Can’t move the grow. Fuck me! Idk what to do!!! What’s up bro @Rabeats2093 good to see you in the jungle!!!.


Get another one ASAP don’t want the shit to mold on you. It takes 40 days for the mold to really get fired up, so don’t waste time!


I’m working on it man!!!


I got it down to 64 rh, I’ve never dealt with this before. Always battled 35 rh . Fuckkkkkk. Yall think this crop is lost? I’m just trying to prepare for this big of a loss. I’m stuck at 64. Won’t dip lower. I have 2 fans in the tent but idk. The fritter makes really dense nugs. And I don’t want that to fuck me,. Fuk me.


Hahaha, I heard this in Danny Trejo’s voice! :crazy_face::rofl::bear:

@Pawsfodocaws looks like you don’t have to worry if the knights who say nee show up. … you’ve got a wide variety of shrubbery!
Looking great in there brother. :ok_hand:


How big is the room? No way to get by with like a 70pint until funds come up?


4x8. We have no way to get one. Hopefully it will help. And I’m rounding up fans as we speak. I’m going to make the air move in that tent!!!. No man I can’t buy anything.


Thanks man they are doing great so far. We will see how the handle the high rh. Damnit.
:rofl: after you said that I heard it in his voice too. Danny is awesome


I got it down to 60 rh. I hope I can get lower. But this will have to do for now. 60 is workable right?