Paws and effect šŸŖ“šŸŒ±

are you saying you lost your mac and fritter cuts ? you still have a mom though right ?


No. I didnā€™t lose them at all. I still have 2 moms of each the apple fritter. And the mac1. I just couldnā€™t get any cuts to root for a run. Tried twice. No luck. Everything has been the same when I cloned them before. Besides it being a little bit hot like upper 70sā€¦ I donā€™t get it, very odd. But it will be refreshing to see some seeds grow.


@Mr.Sparkle I am going to be running 10 or 11 of your trizzler fem autos. My partner and I wanted to do an auto run and found theseā€¦ thank you in advance for my bountiful harvest :wink:


Og anniversary 24 Grammer cannagarā€¦smoking in 3 days.


I was gonna sayā€¦
Yeah, just run em all! Lol
Thatā€™s an auto Iā€™ve been wanting to try.
Iā€™ll be watching! :wink:


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m doingā€¦this should be fun I saw the one of that one users wifeā€™s trizzler. Insane. I hope they do well. Thanks for watching along. Been a grip since I popped beans.

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Iā€™ve got a couple questions about the process, and what makes a cannagar smoke properly.

First question- the reason for the stick in the middle is to have a hollow center for the smoke to draw through, right?

How big do you want that center channel hole to be?
Is that skewer much thicker than a toothpick?
How wide do you think that it could be and still smoke properly?

(I was thinking of using a straight piece of hollow weed stem. Iā€™m thinking when I pull the stick out, I can actually use the hollow stem like a cigarette holder.)

Am I correct that youā€™re pressing and forming the flower first, and then once itā€™s solidified, you wrap it with the leaves?

Iā€™m trying to roll one of these, but I donā€™t have a mold/press to use.
Iā€™m thinking for pressing the ground flower, I can wrap it in parchment paper, and bind that tightly with hemp wick or food grade butchers string. Then I should be able to easily remove the parchment when itā€™s solid. Iā€™m planning on mixing a lot of honey oil hash into the flower, which should help it solidify.

How long do you keep the flower in the press before wrapping it with the leaves?

do you layer up the leaves, or use just enough to cover the bud?

I dried and pressed a bunch of resinous fan leaves to use for it, so the leaves in the wrapper will be coated with resin.

Do you put hash between the leaf and the bud, or just mixed into the bud?

I remember you use a sprayer to mist the leaves with rum. what percent alcohol rum do you use? Iā€™m trying to get away with using as low alcohol as possible to avoid melting away the resin on the leaves.

I make everclear honey oil hash, so Iā€™m thinking maybe Iā€™ll use partially evaporated hash alcohol, which is basically the same as tincture. It will be a little lower in alcohol content, and it will also be heavily infused with weed.

Anyway, let me know if you have any suggestions for my ideas here.

If it doesnā€™t work as a cannagar, I can always just break it up and smoke it like a thai stick.


Dmed my friend. @zephyr


So the hole will be as big as the skewer it will act as the smoking catalyst. And let it smoke. You may have to relight with torch. Also they can be big this last one I did was 25mm. I donā€™t know if bigger than that is smart. Hash in the fill is a good thing always. And rosin or honey oil can be use for glue instead. No rum or sugar needed. Just leafs dry preferable. Then rehydrate them and use. Help form them flatā€¦layer the leaf blades for the wrap and glue them together then use your wrap. And always wrap the full cannagar with string to form and keep the wrap on . Then leave in jar for 3 to 5 days burping every now and then. Mixing yhe honey oil in the hash will make it dank af btw. You seem to have a good concoction brewing.


Yes a weed stem would work great for a tip btw.


I have been paying more attention to my favorite peach scotch bonnet plant. And it is flowering like crazy. I have pollinated all the flowers that were open and about fifty more are about to flower and open up. We gave it a nice trim and got the dead stuff out. And now itā€™s doing wonderful. I canā€™t wait for more peach scotch bonnet peppers. I moved it to the front of the mother tent to keep up on it more.

Edit this scotch bonnet is 1 year and 4 months old


Those look healthy!
Do you have a reliable method for germinating pepper seeds? I have a nice variety of rad pepper seeds but have been worried Iā€™ll ruin them and they wont pop. I also donā€™t haven tent space to grow indoors so I need to find somewhere theyā€™ll thrive

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Tell you the truth I put them on top of a veg tent. Paper towel method. Only way for me. Iā€™ve tried others only to lose them. A heatmat at low like 75Ā° would be prime too. But paper towel method hands down man.


Thanks man, Iā€™ve been growing it for 1 year and 4 months so far

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This is the peach scotch in its full glory


Oooohhh!!! I ran out of Trizzler f2 I grew out! It was so yum-yum we torched it all with joy!


Awesome Iā€™m glad I picked a good one+!!! Hoping for a fun grow. Havenā€™t done autos for a grip !!!

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Also germ more than needed. Some will be lost to mold. Or not pop. They take much longer than cannabis seeds to germ. This can cause mold on and or around the pepper seed in the towel. I always germ 3 or 5 more than I want to have. Then if they pop, you have more!!!


@Bobgrows recieved your mail. Thank you kindly.


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Good to hear! Enjoy!!

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