Paws and effect 🪴🌱

I just tried a pinch it’s pure full melt. Melted my face,… I’m storing it for special occasions.

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Thanks man it was a wicked score!!! Can’t wait to utilize it sometime! It is a nice Turd ball lol

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Everything has been going good man. Stay up.


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I just might plop it in a grove…right meooow

Edit hashball in the grove for a long while. Going to forget about this thing. Then when the time comes I hope my memory serves me right.


After installing a new dehumidifier to the area, my clones won’t take. I decided on utilizing a clone space and cap with holes drilled into it for more humidity as well as saran wrap all the way around the moisture dome. Hopefully a few take I really hope because I’m running low on clonex solution., will need to get some soon same with some new gel… new ways here they again.


What happens to them?

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Well last round failed due to the low humidity and they all dried up before they could root. This round is showing bumps with the wrap keeping moisture in the dome. It isn’t a good seal on the dome. And the humidity wreaks havoc on the cuts.

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wow! how low is the humidity? I root my clones in the same room I veg in, so it’s at 45%.


Set to cap at 35.


All the clones failed again. They dried up. Fuck. Back to beans. Going to break the vault out and soak some later. Should be fun.


Damn it! I use a tray with a dome and just spray them once or twice a day, depending on how dry it is inside the dome. I’m surprised that your setup isn’t holding enough moisture in. I even stopped using rooting gel and just use root riot plugs. They’re basically set it and forget it for me now.

Let me know if you need me to hang on to some cuts for you. :wink::heart_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Which method are you using to clone?


My turboklone. Putting 2 gal in res. Peroxide. Clonex solution. Ph it to 6.0 ph. And midas gel on the stems after cutting them off, and cutting again underwater. Also popping a plug for humidity and saran wrap around the dome. Under a t5.

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a good dome that fits right and sprayed a mist on before closing should hold humidity for like 2 days , even under a light in a room with low humidity , mine does .

i also use RR’s and under them is a matt used in seed starter trays that holds water . i soak it , drip it off , lay on bottom of tray , cuts in RR’s in cube holder sitting on it . Dome misted and placed . i leave alone like 5, days before even opening it , then rewet rr and matt . They stay moist the whole time .

Get a new tray with tight fitting lid


This is the best advice. Thanks @Jetdro. I had issues with a tray I left in the sun deforming and the dome lid didn’t fit well. When I replaced the tray, I’d say I have 99% success rooting cuts now. That’s with just cuts stuck in root cubes and making sure they’re wet enough. No rooting gel or powder. And mine stays humid inside the dome for days too, I’m just too neurotic not to check them daily. :wink:


@nube mail recieved thank you much!

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Nube mail. Must be good stuff.

Hey @nube , where’d @Torontoke get to? Haven’t seen him around for awhile.


It’s some awesome stuff!!!

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@AzSeaindooin420 I don’t have my own thread yet. I received my first beans from you!!! Ever!!!thank you my husband is going to grow them for me. He stays involved here. Sorry not that active I’m busy. :sweat_smile:


Yay! Hope u find some fire in them beans!