Paws and effect 🪴🌱

Man loves his dog. :sunglasses: :metal:


Well my vote is out of my hands. I told my wife earlier that she gets to do the picking. But I will show her your post. That may just sway her vote. lol


Sounds great friend.

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Lol you get 3 per poll… I hope she likes my coco…

How’s your pup doing so far?


Awesomely thanks to you and everyone voting for her!!! Thank yall so much! We are really happy to see her doing good, I believe she’s in second on yhe second poll. I’m thrilled for my coco doggo!!!


Where is the thread for voting? Never mind I found it.

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Vote For OG Pets, 7 years of OverGrow contest 52 entries here it is!

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I found it. :sunglasses: :metal:

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Right on, coco needs one of your votes lol, you can vote 3 times per two polls

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:+1: danke schon.

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Thanks everyone whom have voted for that awesome doggo!



Picked up a new slap for my door. Thought you might appreciate it paws. I know @nefrella and @catapult would. :yum:

I guess this one was appealing too.


I like the second one man. Lol people mistake my name all the time. Pause for the cause. Take a moment pause and smoke a bowl lol


Do me a favor and go give my doggo a vote, she’s doing great so far! @Rhino_buddy

Actually it’s more for her, she gets the glory!!!

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The bub is dope though :wink:


I thought I did vote for your pup. I’ll have to go make sure. I was in the sticks and had shit service when I was doing that.

And that piece was a birthday present. I spent the whole day there! While my buddy made the pipe, I made marbles. Then he put some of them on the piece. It turned out badass. Even put both of our initials on the bottom. :heart_eyes:

Probably the number one bday present ever. He sells glass on IG @spunchun. He’s a Bob Snodgrass apprentice, and an old friend of mine. His work is mind-blowing.


Also checked my vote and it didn’t take. Fixed. :yum:

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That’s freaking sweet man awesome collaboration. Wow. That’s got to be special. I look him up sometime. Ya for sure help coco out! She’s a special dog. I am thinking I need to break out my bub soon. Haven’t gotten mail yet, but haven’t checked today…

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