Paws and effect 🪴🌱

looks like you have a whole town chilling your back yard.


It’s really neat man. I’m liking it alot. I have three more bonsai much older and a pine that’s small that all need pots but I am waiting for the right time to plant them plus one had been recently re potted. I’d like to get them all proper pots.

not sure if it’s worth suggesting but have you considered a small “air pot”? a small one should auto prune the roots. probably no need to up pot or re-pot? maybe i’m wrong?

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I’m just repotting them from nursery pot they have been in for a couple years. They are root pruned and repotted every 2 to 3 years, now they are big enough for a traditional bonsai pot. That’s all. I have a cascade shimpaku juniper that needs a pot, a douglas semi cascade needs one and a leaning Japanese white pine that would look nice in one.

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Led grow update… things are kicking along. Soon I will flip them.




Just did this again. Can’t wait for the results. This is fun :grin: . I also am going to throw up a second net for flowering, ya know just in case. My last fiasco with the fritter and the Mac cost me ten days of flower time.


Led grow update… things are looking well. One plant keeps losing some leafs but the others around it seem to be rather healthy. Not to worried about it.

about 7 weeks veg so far. 1 more and I’m flipped.


Looks good bud. Congrats on the LED setup. It took me a while to make the switch but I’m glad I did. No more crazy heat to exhaust. I still do prefer the HPS/MH results but LEDs are good enough atm compared to yesteryears.

Keep up the good work bud!


Thanks brother. I actually have both going different local. We have a total combined limit of 30 plants. Half at each place. I ran low numbers on the led because, I am moving the location of the 5x5 with leds once a project is done.

So I currently run

3x3 with a 300 watt led setup, mother tent.

3x3 seedling tent vs1500

4x8 flower tent 2 600 watt hps lamps

5x5 with 2 tsw2000 lamps

Also 1 5 bulb t5 for my cloner, and a 6 bulb t5 for seedlings.

I didn’t make the switch per say, just more diversity.
Also only run clones at the other local. Here I’m running og gear. I literally don’t have any bought seeds, besides a auction 2 years ago. I admit many must think I’m wonky. But I’m stuck on the fritter and mac1. I can’t get enough of it. So I just continue to grow it. I love it, fuck it, idc. It’s great smoke.

But that’s also why I’m happy to start popping beans, :relaxed:. I will be moving through my fems. Then we’ll we will see what happens, but most likely pheno hunting for mums once the led grow is in place. Like I said it is getting moved… I’m enjoying the leds quite a bit. Like you said not much heat. Also less burn, and it’s so easy if you have a par meter. Makes a world of difference. I understand people use apps on phones. I say the hell with that. I wanted a sensor. Now paired with that and my tsw2000 lamps, I will rule the world! ( that’s in my tent ) more of an environment…smh


Jeeze brother I don’t realize you were managing all that as well! It’s no easy task but you make it look it!

I understand about keeping ones you love around cycle after cycle. When you know what you have and love it it’s hard to not keep it running. I’m also split myself but the other op is in another state which is rather difficult to watch constantly. My brother runs it atm. Pheno hunting and what not.

I’m digging you still keeping the HID around as most are steering away from it. I missed the Gavita lamp rage not long ago but do want to give them a run.

I purchased the UFO style leds about 15 years ago and they didn’t produce near enough ppf or ppfd either. I pulled the trigger on the AC infinity light bars and am extremely happy with it. I see good results from most companies LEDs now so I’m excited to see how efficient they become!

I will say I went the blumat route recently and I’m in love with it. Once dialed in it’s a breeze and the results are similar to hydro as far as vigor and bud density!! :green_heart:


Lol thanks bro. My bro is my provider, so he manages the 4x8 and a 3x3 mom tent. I love hps. It’s the best imo.

I’m rocking the 3x3 and vs1500. And 5x5 with 2 tsw2000 lamps. And growing og gear. I guess the fritter and Mac 1 are og Gear too.

Nice to see you around.


I want to go the blumat route and am seriously considering buying the setup.

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That sounds like me. Most of my retail stuff is gone and I have so much OG gear I’ll never be able to grow it all.


He’ll ya man. Nice to know I’m not the only one :slightly_smiling_face:.

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I’ve ran hps and mh my whole life. Up until 2 or 3 years back I got a enfun ef2000 led lamp and have had it on my mom’s running non stop. They grow great, few diodes went. But eff it. It’s a small lamp meant for long term vegging.
Before I had hands on hps lamps I was using CFL rigs and I was on the og OG. Then when med came into effect here I hopped on that train and we’ll it’s been pretty smoky the whole way. Literally the only reason I’m running leds though is to save money. Hps all the way. Would never want anything else, but you must make due. @OGSince03


Ghost pepper, scorpion pepper plants, super cayenne and super chili’s. Then a artichoke and two :tomato: plants.

also some grouped onjuns…Lmao yes I know needs weeding.


Raspberries and Tay berries picked today. Also picked 15 or so raspberry sprouts for planting l. Building the V fence for it tomorrow. Also pounding a larger grounding rod into the water table, as the one I have has caused my fence to not work in this dry spell. Damn deer wrecked two apple tree and maymed a third. Also this year’s first, we’ll second :tomato: my first got washed and chomped. It was sooooo good.


Apple fritter 25 day cure. Terploc bag. Not so great very stoney and earthy but harsh and not nice on the throat.

Mac1 25 day cure nice smooth smoke with heavy hunts of gas and definitely a cookies a taste really hard hitting grade A bud. Going to be a ton better the longer it cures. It’s smokeable now. But ehh I’ll keep it in the grove bags. First Pic is apple fritter buds. Second Pic is Mac 1 buds. These are lumpys and caps cuts.