Paws and effect šŸŖ“šŸŒ±

Letting this run go to ten weeks should yield a nice amount considering they are all rock hard and dense as all heck. They are wicked heavy for what they are and they are slowly swelling ever so slightly with each day or two. I have been taking the precautions of watering an hour or two after lights on, as well as leaving a door cracked, and 4 floor vents opened with a fan moving air constantly. Iā€™m not getting that bullshit bud rot again. I lost a whole salad bowl of tops to it once. It was a damn shame. I moved a branch and touched some nugs and holy hell sticky and funky as hell. This is going to be some killer sticky icky.



Definitely let it go the 10 weeks that also shows some patience LOL I donā€™t think I would be able to !definitely good taking precautions thatā€™s how I am once I got mold as well keep an eye out for them sugar leaves dying back and receding into the !nuggets


What colors are you getting on your trichs? Plants are looing so damn goodā€¦ getting frostier by the day. Great job

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Iā€™ll go look in a bit. This is sure taking patience :rofl:. I have a feeling its going to be heavy at the end. These buds are so dense its amazing. Iā€™m happy to throw another run in before I move. Should make for another nice batch of smoke.

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The majority of the trichomes are crystal clear still. Not much milk or cloudiness amongst them yet.


Awesomeā€¦ those girls are still gonna pack on some more weight. Gonna be some dank right there at 10 weeks.

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I just counted many main bud sites at the tops, with multiple nugs branching down the sites and one nug with a twin nugs coming off the side oddly. The nugs are huge and swelling to the point of bending the main stem thick as a quarter. They are all laying down and starting to have a slight burn on the tips. I think they will he fine and make it to the end. I find taking it to 70 days important to see itā€™s true potential. I have grown this so simply itā€™s funny. Everybody seems to go to such great lengths for ppm and pH. I havenā€™t nor will I probably check or think about either of those unless Iā€™m cloning and paying specific attention to this. I do not run hydro nor intend to. I run soil. I mix a gallon of water with a shot of cal mag. Feed everyday. Every week mega crop 2 part schedule. Works great. Spent not much on nutes and have had them for a long time. Still going strong. The other things I recommend are a good cal mag. And when cloning using a aero cloner, clonex solution for the reservoir. And some sort of clone gel, I use midas cloning gel. Start growing treeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees! :deciduous_tree: :evergreen_tree: :palm_tree:



Also decided to stick with this nice pic. Will continuly rule with it. Stay kind all you haply stoned heads.

Pawspooh611 (1)


Cake! Hahaha, I havenā€™t thought about them in a minute! So goodā€¦

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We play a game weā€™re we finish what people say with a lyric from a known song. And it sticks in the head for the next week. Or until we do it again. Itā€™s a constant never ending battle. :rofl:

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Well that permit crap sucks.

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No kidding.

I see your In Flames and I raise you In Waves

Iā€™m not a huge Trivium fan but I dig that song and itā€™s fun to play on guitar.

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Thatā€™s awesome. In waves is a sick song. Trivium is awesome. I really dig some cannibal corpse and nevermore. But Iā€™ll raise your Trivium with this


My favorite song to play on my guit box is opeth Lepper affinityā€¦ also get Down to some agoraphobic nosebleed.

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Iā€™ve heard Jeff Loomis shred before but havenā€™t actually listened to any of his music. Iā€™m on the fence. Dude can play but itā€™s like a John Petrucci deal where I appreciate the kill but the music just isnā€™t my style.

Iā€™ve heard some Opeth that I liked (more melodic stuff) but Iā€™m at that age where to tolerate growls the band has to be grandfathered in. New (to me) growls turn me off :laughing: I liked half of that song a lot and the other half not so much. Iā€™m getting lame in my old age.


Evidently so is he on the platform he was using.

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I donā€™t like the growling at all. I like the melodic guitar shredding. Thatā€™s about it.

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