Peak stress management

When you can’t smoke or take edibles and meditation isn’t enough anymore.

I’m looking to see what the community has for different stress management techniques that work to manage stress when getting high isn’t an option.

In my case I had 30 minutes today to find a way. I failed horribly, but not my worst freakout for sure. At least I didn’t wind up quitting the training that will actually produce a career with a liveable wage.

For future reference for not only myself, but any others who would benefit from a suggestion mentioned they feel they’d like to try in extreme cases where like myself you got peak stress and can’t calm down using your usual methods.


Take a walk clear your head,life can’t be that bad without a smoke of weed…should be happy you have a roof over your head food in your belly and some money in your pocket
Some people don’t have that,

If you wake up in the morning it’s a good day


I wish I could be that zen.

I can’t take a week off or I forfeit the training I’ve spent the last 3 months on. While not a lot of time it’s pretty much my only option left to earn enough to not just feed myself, but not be given shelter by my parents.

Trust me I would take a week vacation off. I honestly do want to finish training. Just being treated like I’ve never seen a file or heard of shapes before in a college shop class is degrading when he’s spending 4 hours about how to read a dial with a constant value to make sure the work area is squared out for accuracy when milling. We only had 4 hours to use the machines before we had to go home and hop on zoom to do work right before another 4 hours of online learning.


You need to get your head together by the sound of it,instead of depending on weed,just buckle down get your shit together and make a good life for yourself

I let you inside my head for a minute you never be the same,sometimes you have to wear the big boy pants

How old are you
I’ve been shot 6 times had my alarms and legs broken with sledgehammers and nailed to a floor I’ve been stabbed,had people try kill me twice

You know what I don’t let life get me down,you have to be a winner in life
Be strong


I’m 30. I don’t have the option of working like most people. I burn more calories in anything labor intensive than they pay me to feed myself enough to not lose weight and faint on the job from not having enough energy to move anymore.

I haven’t been using weed as a crutch. In fact I’ve been trying to use any methods I can that don’t involve taking something in some form to calm down when in a psychotic state.

Some days are better than others.

I don’t know of many jobs that pay 600+ a week without spending a decade there. I spend about 6 a meal and still spend 400 a week on food alone .

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You’re weak
Grow some balls,if you don’t life will swallow you


You have no idea dude. If I do actually bother to react I’ll go to prison.

You can’t reason with psychotic breaks. All you can do is try to prevent them. Not everyone has been blessed with a stable mind.


Hey man, stress can be a real issue. I certainly have my share and don’t always handle it the best. One thing that helps me is go just go find something in nature to interact with. Sit under a tree, find a bird to watch or some water to sit by. Even in the heart of the city there are things you can find to focus on and I find when you focus on something in nature it can help center you. Best of luck.


That’s what I was wanting to do, but I didn’t have the time in a half hour to enjoy my free time and relax that freely.


I understand. Put some pics on your phone. Some that will garner your focus. This is not easy to do when stress is high, I get that. Took me almost half a century and still can’t manage to handle things right some of the time. It’s a constant fight but just wanting to means there is hope.


If have more than 30 minutes and have enough time to relax before I end up in a psychosis I’ll enjoy listening to music I enjoy, taking a walk, making food, studying, and when it’s not brick out enjoying the ocean.


Do you have kids? I can’t tell you how many times going and smoking 2 cigarettes back to back while looking at their pictures has kept me from bitch slapping a stupid front of the house manager and quitting… like they can fucking cook…

I have literally catered 2 presidents, 1 sitting, 1 non during my career. I know how to cook lol


Sorry I’m not being a dick,but I’ve been through the ringer myself and I refuse to let it get the better of me

You have to be strong,and things will work out for you


I don’t that I’m aware of. I have suspected a previous partner with suspicious timing and an odd conversation beforehand. I guess I should be happy to not have child support if that is the case, but life.

I am trying to get a career that’s not minimum wage at best for the last 10 years like I’ve been trapped in. If it keeps me going I’ll take that as a condition to start a family with my fiance.

It’s just keeping going when it feels like eating any more stress will make my heart give out or I’ll end up fainting while in shop class.

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I’m not trying to argue with anyone either.

I made the post in a way to try and seek better stress management help. Not just for myself as I’m not the only person who’s at their wits end in the world.

Stop stressing your just making yourself worst
Once you get the job your training for
Your going to be so happy you will forget all the other bullshit what happens along the way

Life not easy you have to roll with the punches my father always said


Well, if your learning machining your going to make 5x what I ever will, don’t fuck it up. I say that with all the love and personal regret I can muster.

I love cooking, but I chose wrong… I’m never going to be able to retire with what chefs make. I will literally die working.

And now? Corona has permanently changed my industry. I’ve been on unemployment for a year as of next week… this is the longest I have gone without working since I was 15… I go on job sites and its just Doordash and Amazon warehouse.


I know that. I can’t pep talk myself out of moments like today. If I could have I wouldn’t have had to grow up in special education as my option other than juvenile hall and being disowned.

I can’t trust that I can safely operate heavy machinery with antipsychotics like I took as a kid. Straight dope brain on those.

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Worst job I ever had was mopping cum off the floors in a gay male
Strip club lol I laugh about it now,I was so broke when I moved to San Francisco 20 years ago,my wife still gives me shit about it
Just put it this way I didn’t put that job on my resume lol I used to wear a hockey mask so no one would see me because they had pay internet to look at the strippers lol


Actually you can. Believe me, it’s possible. Perhaps not now but you can get control over your own mind. It can be hard, more so for some. I fully understand this battle but always know it can be won. It will be a constant battle with yourself but it is always possible.