Anyone growing indoors off grid?

Looking to see if anyone is growing indoors off grid? What are your setups. Any pros or cons? Recently moved to a cabin almost in the woods in Scotland. Which is the ultimate dream for me. Maybe not for everyone. As you can imagine it’s not the easiest place to acquire a smoke so I want to start growing my own again.

My water supply comes from a bore hole and filtered. Before going into an IBC. And as you can see from my pic. I shit in an outhouse :rofl: primitive


Nice little slice of heaven!

Do you have a hoop house or high tunnel you plan to be using? Would make a great difference…

I have 20 acres out in the middle of nowhere Alaska…Plan on building a large high tunnel this spring for fruit and vegetables along with a bunch of Cannabis! :slight_smile:

Good luck my friend



No hoop house or high tunnel I could use for canna. I plan to make a little grow cabinet inside the cabin. There are 2 tunnels on the property but it’s a working farm with visits from schools etc so needs to be stealth really :shushing_face:

I’m kinda thinking along the lines of LED run on a battery bank. I’ve made LED before. And I’m wondering if using citiled cluo38s again I could have 3x leisure batteries in series to make the 36v necessary to run the COBs. And have them charge via solar panels or wind.

20 acres in Alaska sounds good to me. The farm here has about 60 acres. Water buffalo. Sheep. Goats. Pigs. Rabbits (eating rabbits) etc. Some dogs and free range children :rofl::woozy_face:

Good luck to you too. I look forward to seeing what you do with yours.

Cola :sunglasses:


LED lighting would be the ticket…especially running off of a battery bank and solar panels.

I’m guessing there has to be a few hiding places on that 60 acres! :wink: Ha Sure sounds like a amazing property my friend!

Planning on getting some livestock this year…chickens, ducks, goats, pigs…maybe a cow. I sure do missing living on a farm!!



The idea is brilliant, but it looks like you will need a lot of power, maybe the wind generator is best, I think solar panels will need more roof than what you have available specifically in winter months that you will need lights, blowers and heaters at least and while vegging you will have a far superior demand on power, so it is not an easy set up.

How I would love to have that facility underground shown on the Pinneaple Express movie.

Following your build.

And best luck!


It definitely would be the ticket. Some high output 12v LED would be grand if anyone has any suggestions. Much easier to set up a 12v system than 36v.

There is definitely a few hiding spots. But inside the cabin no one but us sees so would be better for peace of mind to have it inside.

Definitely worth getting some livestock. We want some chickens for fresh eggs and obviously eating but with avian flu being a thing at the moment they would need to be kept inside. So think we’re gonna wait for those.

This is the first time I’ve lived on a farm. Definitely enjoying it even if it is hard work some days.

Me and a water buffalo just chilling :sunglasses:



Roof space is around 36x12ft. So not massive and 36x6ft is south facing but I am pretty far north so as you can imagine it’s not ideal.

I’m only planning on growing a few plants for personal. So would be looking at around 240w ISH of LED. Would definitely need fans running too but heat is taken care of in the cabin with a log burner. And it does stay pretty warm.

Also as much as I like growing photo’s. I think autos would be the one here so should anything fail I can stick them by a window whilst I fix up without too much detriment.

There is or was a guy here called @Kraven who grows/grew in an awesome bunker :sunglasses:

I’ll post some pics up as I go and likely any ideas I have. Need to source some seeds too. @Sasquatch said he was gonna send me some out though.

Glad to have you on board and thankyou for the good luck :grin:



That’s a really neat living set up you have got for you and yours… what a life! Sounds like a dream. Never had much interaction with you on here, but I am along to follow and see how this off the grid grow goes down!.

Good luck bud,


It’s took many years to get to this way of living. Agree though I feel very lucky. I’ve not been on here for a good while cos well life got in the way. But I’m hoping to be back with a bang though.

Happy to have you following and cheers mate.


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I’m glad your back, I saw you as one not seen in a while…its always good when a old user shows back up. And in this case with a bang. I have to give you props on the living situation, sick af.


I’ve always wanted to live like this. Time slips away so fast. Good luck with your grow. I’ll follow along


here’s the cabin in all its glory. The bath is to be installed yet. And I’m just about to get up a ladder and setup water catchment for non drinking purposes.

Sometimes life takes us away from what we love to do for a little while too @Pawsfodocaws but if we love it enough we always end up back at it.

Glad to have you guys on board anyway.

Cola :sunglasses:


That is so cool!

:green_heart: :seedling:


I absolutely love it. Got a big old forest next to us. 8 miles to the coast. All our meat comes from the farm. Just about to get our fruit and veg growing too. just need to get some autos to be growing out and be set then :sunglasses::muscle:


So dope! I dream of doing this again someday. A portion of my childhood was spent very similar helping my uncle way up North from the end of April until Halloween. Was some of the best times/memories I have of growing, nothing quite feels nearly as in touch and one with your plants as growing in the middle of nowhere just you and your girls for 6 months , maybe a couple others as well as some dogs but I get all nostalgic just thinking of it.


Manifest it and it will happen. I grew up in the city. (Manchester, England) Lived there most my life. Then I came to Scotland for a while and fell in love with the place. Crashed my car. Broke my spine and had to go rest back up in Manchester. As soon as I was able I came back up here. But this time with my lady. No dog at the moment. Old members will remember ace my German shepherd. He sadly passed away though and didn’t want another right away but now seems the right time to kinda be looking :thinking:


Scotland is actually in my ancestry . Ukrainian/Scottish and I’ve always wanted to go. My wife and I have actually been planning on building a tiny, self sustaining house off grid for years, I even bought property but it’s just not right I’ve since found out. I’m hoping within 4-5 years to at least be able to start to build the dream, it changed from building a cottage to a tiny home already. Definitely down to watch your adventures and live vicariously through you until then


A friend of mine moved to Scotland and told me they would hook wind turbines directly up to heaters. No batteries. Free heat when it’s windy, which was almost always.


Cool, shitting in an outhouse, throw in some sawdust or soil, or a mix of both and let it compost for a year and you can use it in your garden. :smile:

You can also get a compost toilet for inside the cabin, they have a little fan that sucks the air to outside, so no smell at all. Or make one, it’s a simple concept.


There’s 2 double bunks in our little tiny house/cabin. And I’m always down to meet new folks. We would be happy to put yous up if you wanted to visit. May be worth selling on your land and finding something a bit more suitable? I’m gonna be doing plenty of posting on my day to day living aswell as the grow stuff so stay tuned :sunglasses:

@Foreigner your friend is right. It’s almost always windy. But we seem to have found a warm bit at least. (As Scotland goes anyway) we did take a swim at rose Isle beach the other day. It snowed the day after :thinking: dafuq is that about :rofl:

@Rogue the outhouse is fine for us anyway. We have been using sawdust and emptying the bucket in a hole dug in the forest. Mixed soil in with that to cover the sawdust and smells :rofl:
We don’t really want a toilet inside. Quite enjoy the peace and quiet whilst banging turds out :shushing_face: