Peak stress management

My diet is almost entirely homemade meals. Occasionally dunks or brew box will get $7 to get me a coffee and bagel. Probably 2x a week maybe, so 14 isn’t really doing much for my budget. I make my own bread, I eat potatoes, beans, eggs, pork, chicken, sausages when the mood arises, hot dogs, rice, veggies, beef, lamb, deep fried foods, fat bombs, and various tex mex meals as well. Everything i eat i make homemade unless it’s actually cheaper to get something prepped because of a sale or something.

More recently I made 12lbs of a meatloaf mix. I finished it in 3 days. It made around 5 meals

Then I really do not understand how you are eating $400 a week. I’ve had drug and booze habits way less than that. Got a grocery store receipt?

I am a little over 6’4" and I weigh 240 lbs no one I know eats more than me and I could get by on $50/week if I had to…because at one point I did have to. Rice and beans and tortillas costs almost nothing. Dozen eggs are $1, loaf of cheap bread is $1. Butter is $4/lb. bam 3 big meals.

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I do and they usually sit around 60-80 a visit. If I’m buying an afternoon worth it’s 30. Only 20 a week is what it takes to feed my cat as well. Usually 10, but occasionally she will need more food. If she skips meals she pukes. I know the feeling :confused:

That sounds really good.

Btw depending on your size as much exercise as youre getting would definitely add a calorie strain. This is a wierd difficult question to phrase but, have you accounted for all of the exercise you are getting in your diet?

Also, have you been checked for a thyroid problem? (Dont have to answer this. Just consider it.)


Bro where are you shopping and what are you buying? Health food stores? Fancy imported food stores? Are you in Hawaii or Alaska or something?

I feed 2 cats for $20/month but you feed one for $20/week? 16lb bag of cat food is like $17 at Wal Mart.

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My other question is, what are you buying? It takes my wife living on a truck, 2 dogs and a cat to get to $400.

(Not an insult. Want to give you perspective.)

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I’m scrawny and I’m also trying to get bigger to help my lungs as strange as it sounds. My torso didn’t grow with the rest of my body, but my lungs didn’t stop growing longer apparently. At least that’s what the x-ray technician mentioned. As for accounting for those calories I have to get a baseline on what I need to eat without losing all the weight i managed from binge eating next day. As it is now if I go back to my walks I’ll be needing new pants. I already have to wear women’s jeans as my waist is 26 inches. Otherwise I spend a fortune on custom sized jeans.

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Yeah, I don’t know how you spend that much. I feed myself and 2 kids for under 100 a week. And my cat goes through a $12 bag of catfood a month. Thats… just wow. I honestly don’t know how you do it. Eating out doesn’t cost that much. Even spending $10 a meal is only $210 a week…


Dry food lasts forever with her, but she doesn’t chew it properly all the time. Though she did recently change that after I called her out for puking when she swallowed the dry food whole. She’s a cheap cat by comparison to how much I was spending on Daisey by the end. About 1.60 a day on average and then some days she eats about 4 cans rather than 2. I buy 10 ahead of time and then if she runs low I refill the 10.


I had to do soft food for mine for a while, I found that if I lightly moistened her cat food with a little water and vegetable oil she ate it just the same without her puking later.

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I mean I do have a stupid annoying metabolism that keeps me in ketosis no matter how much I eat. I’ll burn enough fat to feel my muscles move against each other before they lock up and make moving hard on walks. The 12lbs of meatloaf mix cost about 80 or so to make. If I used only pork I could drop it closer to about 60. Breadcrumbs and eggs are cheap, so they only cover 5 ot that.

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Really don’t

Dont get it, I can spend 20€ and eat for a week, oatmeal, frozen berries and some fruit, plenty full, how does one spend 400$?
That’d be a deluxe best steak there is every day.

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Do you have the ability to buy in bulk? To spend that much on food you should/could get a deep freezer to buy in bulk and save a bit.

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I wish. If tasty food was the answer to saving money I’d be spending closer to only 80 a week on good steaks. I have to compromise with my taste buds and use garlic and other spices to make up for the bland flavors I have to force myself to chew through.

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I don’t have the space to put one anywhere, but sadly while I’m living here my electricity usage has to be metered. The wiring is about as stupid as I’ve seen. I’m not 100% sure it isn’t a fire hazard in truth. The wiring seems to have multiple breakers working together. While testing outlets to find out what breaker goes to what I found 4 of them that seem to go to nothing at all. Nothing outside or inside turns off when I flip them. Before I start adding more appliances to the grid I should get the wiring looked at while the workers are already doing that on my parents side of the house.

To add confusion a 30w appliance actually tripped the 20A breaker and then the whole breaker flipped off and it was the only thing on it. My fridge is on the one across from that one and it has its own 20A breaker and outlet.

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I feel some people would like context on my food budget more than a list of food.

Each meal i eat is about 2-4lbs of food. I’ll eat about 4-5 meals a day and snack in between while making food.

There’s a reason I refer to my stomach as a black hole. I can’t figure out where all the food fits in my stomach some days.

Also I live in Massachusetts. I somehow managed to live in a pocket area that didn’t have a meat shortage last year. It made rice, beans, and eggs go down easier with some pork on top occasionally :yum:

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Honestly… that kind of sounds like hyperthyroidism or what are the odds you’ve traveled to less developed countries in the last 10 or 15 years or do you eat sushi? Could it be as simple as a tapeworm? My grandma had one in the 40’s after traveling to South America and ended up just skin and bones before they figured it out.

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Ya I was also just going to ask if you’ve ever had your thyroid checked? Are you always hot/cold? Does your hair fall out? Heart palpitations?

What do your doctors call your condition? Clearly your metabolism is going haywire, your thyroid is like the governor of that (governor as in engine, not a guy giving speeches in a sash lol). If it’s ok the problem might still be hormonal in nature.

Ever seen an endocrinologist? Ever used one of those blood sugar meters?

Does it seem to make any difference when you eat different types of food, or is a calorie a calorie to your body? Have you ever had a period of consistent weight or weight gain?

Sorry for so many questions, i think I might have asked you some of this before. More info = more chance someone sees it and says ‘hey that sounds like this!’


That doesnt make it any easier. Im sorry man. If you have the space in your freezer/fridge, you could get a beef top loin and cut your own steaks.

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I’ve had it checked on multiple occasions as a child and apparently no thyroid issues back then. I’ve been working on getting another soon actually. I am pretty much always sweating or ice cold. My hair luckily hasn’t started falling out. It’s been growing really fast actually. Heart palpitations I’m not sure, but I do get an extreme pain in my chest that feels like getting punched in the ribs from the inside. I’ll usually pass out after that. Some times 15 minutes and others I’m passed out for 4 hours.

My doctors haven’t been calling it anything other than a high metabolism. After a lot of drama my current doctors don’t have access to my childhood records that would assist them. I’ll have to go through all the tests again. Whole I’m at it I’ll get a test for allergies. I’ll have to inform them to do a broad test first. No use wasting their time having the whole first test panel trip off and come back later after they ready another appointment.