Peak stress management

My wife works nights I works days lol
Maybe have the same day off once a week


We don’t live together, so that’s likely one part of some of my issues. We until this year actually had usually 2 days a week to stay over each other’s place. I’d find a way to squeeze in as many afternoons or mornings as I could. Usually making my 5 mile walk a 10 mile walk as I had to walk home or seeing her every day would be expensive for transportation costs. Though the train, but occasionally I can’t get on a train as my inner ear is Making me nauseous if I move around much. At least walking doesn’t set it off and does seem to still be beneficial there too.

I would also volunteer at her store to help reduce stress while I wasn’t working. If I already walked 5 miles I’m not walking right back.


Yeah that definitely makes it rough, think I’m passing out soon I’ll get on more tomorrow. If ya need someone to chat with/vent ever just shoot me a pm.


Get yourself check bicycle checkout Facebook sales
Keep yourself fit ,you go to Europe every fuxker on a bike
Save on train fares trade some bud for one you grow


That can’t be right.


“You have to be strong,and things will work out for you”

Except for the literal millions of people for whom hollow platitudes like that don’t apply whatsoever.



Lots of shitty advice in this thread.

You mention you don’t like stimulants. Fair enough. How do you feel about sedatives? I don’t mean enough to tranquilize you but a micro dose just to bring it down a little.

All the best


Thats not a positive way to contribute to this conversation. Were actually trying to help someone.


I think you’re wrong about that. Maybe you should meditate and try some deep breathing.

See what I did there?

Well intentioned maybe, but still shitty.


I was trying to find a nice way to say dont be a biased asshole.

If you cant explore your own problems then you will always be a helpless leech.

Meds may help but how will you come to that conclusion?

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I’m not sure why you think this is about you.

I think it is helpful, actually.

If one more person tells me to meditate and get more exercise I’m going to freak out on them. It sounds like the OP might benefit from this information.

You may insult me if it makes you feel better about yourself. I’m happy to help.


Im not trying to insult you. Read my first comment. Why not keep a discussion about mental health on a positive track?

Wouldnt suggest it to anyone who doesnt ask for help. Even then. I understand its not for everyone. Even said.

There are better ways to say that you dont agree. But everyone is different. We all need to accept that.

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Yeah. It sadly is. I had to get a nutritionist to help me figure out better meal plans to find a way to eat even more. Granola bars and peanut butter lol. Trust me I wish I was lying about my food budget. Sometimes I don’t spend it on food as I get sluggish. I can’t always keep up that intake rate, and when I’m in recoil I’m closer to 4000-6000 calories a day.

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You called me an asshole and a leech and then claim you didn’t insult me.

Maybe you should pick one.

That’s all I have to say to you and I hope you have a better day going forward.

Yet @Foreigner is 100% accurate. Some of the most destitute people in the world stay positive and get plenty of exercise and shit still sucks. OP has real life issues to sort out and work through, meaningless platitudes and not-actual-advice won’t help.

OP, I’d love to tell you it gets better or easier but often it isn’t true. Keep making good decisions, be smart with your money, and set reasonable goals and you’ll have a better chance at success. Not guaranteed, but a better shot. It may take years and years of doing everything right and you may still come up empty handed. Blind dumb luck or lack thereof is still a huge role. I toiled in misery for years fanatically saving money and I am just sorta now solidly lower-middle class. Have you tried growing and selling more weed?

Sorry that doesn’t fit on a motivational poster…uh…the one with the cat…hang in there!


I want to grow more, but I can’t until I can get my own place now. Just about out of my supply from last grow.

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Have you made your own granola bars? I know there are some high calorie ones you can make. They dont taste very good but, you can save money for more tssty food.

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Then you gotta grind and suffer until you do.

Big step would be reducing your food costs. IDK how you spend $400/week on food but I assure you, you are doing it wrong lol. You need to get acquainted with my friend rice, beans, pork shoulder, and chicken thighs.

Drugs and liquor (particularly sweet sweet cheap liquor) will seem more attractive than usual when you feel like garbage. I’d have hit my goals a couple years earlier if I didn’t spend so much on both.


I do occasionally make treats like that yeah. I have a lot of steel rolled oats. I recently got more honey as well, so actually now that you mention it I can make some today. I’ll see if I can’t find any other extras I want to toss in lying around the pantry.

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