Perpetual harvest

Photo dump time.



Colombian Gold staring back at me. It’s lanky and wicked flexible, so I’ll have to do some major training to try keeping them from reaching the ceiling of my room :joy: The stem rub is unlike anything else in my garden currently. Like anise and mint.

I can maybe squeeze a couple more in the 8x8 haha. 3 are coming down this weekend and 3 more going in. I realized I’ll have to plant a cover crop and/or use straw on top of the pots that go into the flower tents to hold the moisture. I’m really enjoying the ease of pot stacking. There’s no shock to the roots and the plants seem to take off quickly, but the top dries out fast.


2x4 veg tent is the next step on the way to one of the flower tents.
Going to set up a new 3x3 tent later and mix up some soil. My local stores didn’t have any 2x2 beds in stock, so I’m using a 45gal fabric pot. Should be plenty big enough and still leave a little room on the sides. Just debating if I want to flower in it or use it for veg.
Also got a co2 system to set up at some point in the near future. Annnnd a drip irrigation system for this summer when I’ll be out of town for a week. I prefer to hand water, but this should keep everything alive until I get back.


Happy and healthy looking plants you got there :+1:


Thanks! It’s a labor of love haha


A week is NOTHING.
You definitely don’t need a drip irrigation system for one week. :smile:
I don’t water mine for weeks on end.

My flower tents would be okay for a week, because they’re all beds. Plants in my veg tents are in small pots and they dry out like every other day


I’ve been noticing that my 3" pots with a mulch layer stay happy for an obscene amount of time between watering. I have until the end of the month to figure out what my grace period is with watering before I have to be away for like a week and a half, and I think just the mulch layer is enough for that size pots. My situation is better than yours because I have someone who can check on my plants. (sucker)

Been really hammering the point of a mulch layer lately, especially since I’ve been dealing with fungus gnats and they just annoy the piss out of me.


Can’t wait to mulch 50+ pots :tired_face:


That’s one of the best things about the rice hulls, it’s quick and easy and nonviolent for the baby plants. Just do a few at a time each time you’re in there and it’ll go quick!


These babes are about to get a little defoliation!

It’s taken me a while to get to this point, but I’ve gotten all new lights for the 8x8, about to set up the co2, and this stacked pot method is real easy and so far so good. Watered everything real good last night with straight tap water. In between heavy waterings I’ll do a tea with lush roots and fat flowers from dragonfly earth medicine. Sometimes I’ll throw in some sea-90 as well.



Been a long ass time since I’ve updated here. Life has been crazy and haven’t had much time for documenting my grow. The tents are stuffed to the gills and I’m trying my best to keep everything healthy, or at least alive haha.

Got 3 veg tents cruising along with lots of almost mature plants waiting their turn for a spot in the flower tents.

Recently harvested some Dragon’s Stash from Dragon’s Flame Genetics. It’s curing but I tried a little sample and it’s :ok_hand:.





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I have a 4x4 flower tent with 4 20gal notill bags. Made the mistake of planting 2 Colombian Gold girls in the front two bags and it will be really difficult to harvest the plants in the back since I don’t really have access to the sides or back of the tent. :grimacing: Another mistake is that I also planted 2 Deep Chunk girls in the tent which barely stretched at all haha. Thank the ganja goddess I didn’t make this dumb mistake in my other flower tent.

On another note, I’m really stoked on the way the CG are turning out. They’re starting to swell a bit and getting really frosty. It’ll be nice to smoke some old world sativa.


Well, that’s a good problem to have… :vulcan_salute: :rofl:

…Your CG’s look absolutely killer! :+1:



Very cool sir I too run perpetual tents 2 flower 1 veg on a monthly harvest cycle I switched to living soil last year and it was a process for sure I’ve been using the ROLS method but this year’s plan is to go no till anyway looking good sir I dig it have a great day



Thanks! They’re growing like weeds :joy:.
Still wish I would’ve put them in the back beds

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