Phattys Grow Diaries (Bodhi Sakura, F2'd by Nube) (Chemdawg 4)

I have been stuck at 35 for almost 9 yrs now …almost time to bump it up to 38 or start dying my hair again :stuck_out_tongue: Tell ya what so we both don’t get into trouble, I will mark my calendar to make a batch of brownies and celebrate with ya. When the time gets closer, we can set up details like brownie recipe, how much material infused with etc :wink:

Absolutely! They can’t all go perfect…would be pretty boring without the challenges and additional learning :stuck_out_tongue:


For an idiot that is so terrible at this…they look happy and healthy my friend. Good Growin ‘ You got this goin’ on!



Hair? I remember having a lot of that a long time ago… My recipe is pretty high level and VERY in depth… involves like a box of stuff…a mixer…and an oven not set above 315! In fact I’m so awesome at baking…Ms. Crocker keeps asking to be Mrs. Lewtz…to steal my recipes no doubt! :slight_smile: I use waaaaaaaaaaay to much material I’ll be honest…but it makes me look cool in front of the kids! And now that I really consider it…i’m that douche bag that does cookie sheet sized dabs…well that’s depressing :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t want to toot my own horn, but I already know everything!!! If you don’t believe me, ask any ex I have, they all say the same thing… “A know it all, who loves his own voice” Which I of course take to mean "A man with a mastery of everything, greatness the likes not seen since the days of Mt. Olympus…with a voice coated silver and gravitas! (I really do need to get out more!)


Well sir I don’t want to brag, but I do have savant level idiotness… :wink:


I also think I just insulted myself…


just from the last 3 comments I’d say you are on a roll…but it’ 4/20 and there are plenty of things to blame it on :sunglasses:


Where is the nube these days? Miss that rascal.



Been talking off and on through emails, he’s unable to do the hobby atm, but I’m sure he’s itching itching itching to get back in :smiley:


Story of my life, you should hear me at the bar, it’s worse :smiley:

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Update 32 Day 3 Flower (77 days overall)

Had to move the Berry Blast to another location…and let me tell you about paranoia…nothing like the reek of plants driving through town… felt like a Duke boy! was just to unwieldy as a current cripple. Now we’re down to the star of the thread Sakura #1… I can’t wait to smoke this one, @nube said its unlikely to go past 8 weeks (fingers crossed) probably should have never introduced other plants to consume space and energy, but I had big plans before having to have surgery…and the complications (and they are very many) afterwards…


Chem 4 in all her hunger…anger…rage…hatred… emotions ladies in my life express towards me on the regular… :confused:


That Chem4 lady makes my sticker peck out! Nice!



3 days later for me to realize that said “sticker peck out” apparently I have pretty good medicine :smiley:


Hahahahaha! Hahahahaha!



Update 33 Day 10 Flower (84 Days Overall)

Well, after 4 days in the hospital I came home and seen still alive plants! Yay! However…I am going to start the process of becoming the 6 million dollar man, my whole left hip area has to be reconstructed out of space age materials and stuff and junk… or I could let it heal as is…and order my Rascal scooter…not sure what i’m more saddened by…having to have major surgery…or missing a season or 2 of fishing and golf and gardening… such is life! Anyways back to the show!

Sakura 1 (Cherryberrysour) has stretched up towards the light at all…this pig decided she wants the entire 3x3 to herself but i’m not trying to hear that noise… :slight_smile:

And a really unknown plant out there in the world…I believe the kids call it Chemdog/Chemdawg 4…kids and their naming abilities right? :wink:

Took some patience but shes finally fed and happy…not much stretch to this one either honestly…maybe my brain is addled and I’m totally wrong (probably) just sideways is all they’re growing (which is more than acceptable)

a quick side by side shot of the 2


Bro I don’t wanna spoil the vibe but god dayum that stretch! Have u made your tent into a convertible yet? :rofl:

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lol nah, was always curious what would happen if… now i’ll find out :smiley:


look what I found covering the top 2/3 of the plant…wonder what it could be…


:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: and 20 more characters or some shit!


On a side note, while I’m not exactly happy with the light during flower, as it’s limitations are becoming pretty glaring, it’s made me want to look into Solstrips for the next experiment when I get healthy and can walk I guess :slight_smile:
These are around day 23 of flower


Looking good there!

Also, sucks you have to do it, but the new modern bionic hips are amazing. I know a few people who got their lives back after getting one. You’ll be back at er quicker than you think!