Photo period plant put outdoors June 1 almost completely flowered June 27

I put a SK18 cross out in the sun after vegging indoors since Jan. I had the light cycle for NE Ohio total light +and- 5:26 AM to 9:26 PM using T5 floros. I put this plant out with some others and it seems to be the only plant that has 15 grams on it at least white crystals and fat buds the entire plant about 1 ft tall. Should I yank this small bush early or pick the buds and let it reveg? The other plants seem to be still vegging, this is a strange one. If I pick all the buds there will be nothing left almost of stalks, this plant is finishing now. Will post a photo next time I can get to the guerrilla spot. Anyone had this happen before where only 1 plant is freaking out?


I’d post pics, as far as I know there aren’t any strains done in 3.5 weeks. Are you sure you about your dates? And flowering at 16 hours of light, sure it wasn’t flowering before that? And that it’s an auto?

Just double checking basics


I know this is so insane that is why I am posting this! For sure a red eye skunk x sk18 from TNF. not a Auto Total light plus and minus dawn and dusk was set perfect for this area so it’s crazy to me this happened. I will get out there early in the AM tomorrow and get a picture. Yes it’s extremely unusual. There is a male next to it similar cross and it’s barely showing balls still vegging. I put 8 total in this swampy type lake overflow area I lost a few plants in the tall weeds but will hunt them down when I can get in there in the day and see what’s happening with them.


If what your saying is all true, I’d breed it. Once I had a “Bubba Kush” (it didn’t smell, taste or look like BK buds, but that’s what I bought it supposedly being) that finished in 5 weeks. Still kick myself for not keeping that plant, and lord only knows what it actually was too. It was an indica is all I know.


Great idea but I am afraid I will have to take a clone from it cut the bud off and veg it? I wonder how I can get a cutting of this plant properly?

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Yeah, reveg is the only hope

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Agreed 100%. @SkunkHunt101, as I’m sure you’ve gathered from your time on, WE LOVE PICTURES! And the thing about documenting your grows for all of us to see, you’ll have lots of spectators to verify - and stand in awe of - what’s happening with any or all of your plants.

It would be great if you can show us your plant as it sits now - and even better if you have pics to show the progress leading up to now. Sounds like you might have something super special there, and I think most of us would love to see it!


It’s an f1?
Possible a freak adaptation
I made seeds from island sweet skunk and a Tashkent landrace. I popped three and elected one to finish. I had the seedlings in a separate tent on twenty hours light. When I moved to a veg tent on sixteen hours she bloomed. She had huge colas and was only eighteen inches tall. She had a hard time holding herself up without a brace… I made a tomato cage and put around her. She only went eight weeks then made fifty two grams of bud.
They didn’t taste great so I made some badass tincture. I didn’t reveg her although I dng sure tried.
I have more seeds of that cross and the pheno should be in there somewhere. I called her the freak.


Will do. I usually do not take a phone into guerrilla grows but will take a digital camera and get some snaps asap.


Make seeds of this 3.5 week strain.


Check the roots, I’m guessing it may have an ‘issue’…
I had one start flowering in veg and that turned out to be the cause.



That’s all I ever use for cannabis pics. If my state ever allows for legal recreational growing, I start using my phone, but honestly - I like the quality and options my camera gives me.

it’s insane I cant find 2 square feet where someone isn’t “watching” I need to move to Oklahoma


Yes move to Oklahoma. It’s like Disney land with more monster trucks.


Ok so I brought the plant in (dubed Disgust-O) chopped the buds off got about a 20 sack and reveged it for a month or more then I put it into flowering on Sep 6. So today its sticky smelly like diaper pail and the trichomes are amber over 80 percent of the bud. So that is less than a month it seems to be amber. This seems really unusual plant. I grew a second seed of it and got the exact same terps and flowering time to amber tips. I wonder what else to look for to know if it is done. i see crystals and swollen calyx all over it.

Where’s the pics on the growing process and in flower

Yes here is the Plant rescued from the wild .
DisgustOflowertop DisgustO3
Close up

As mentioned these are from June 27 after a june 1 planting. I revegged it and got the same result less than 30 days sticky crystals and stinky amber tips. I will keep the plant going and see what happens as it gets more amber. Smells like nasty shitty diapers . Dark time now but Il post a new photo of the revegged plant in the new day. If anyone wants to try a free pack of them to try and test them yourself I will be sending out some this week DM me and let me know. I have about 6 packs left to send out of this initial seed stash I made. For sure a good plant, not sure what the cured bud will be like but I smoked all the fresh flowers and they were decent green.


Was just inquiring about this on another thread and putting plants out early(someone said they put them out early to finish by august). Not that June 1 is stupid early but…if you are going from 18/6 lighting and put the plants out when there is only 13-14 hours of light, it can be enough to trigger flowering. Been there, done that. I know where I am June 1st there ain’t much more then 14 hrs

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I popped the seeds in Jan and veg them indoors on 5:26 am to 9:26 pm that is the total light for Ohio June 1 plus and minus 30 min . I planted them at the exact right time and this is the only plant that flowered at that schedule and finished. I just chopped the plant yesterday and it was on it’s second harvest for the summer. I swear I found something incredible with this plant ( super easy cloner I stuck a branch right into the dirt so she lives on). I began revegging it June 28 or so and put it into flower on Sep 6. Today I cut the plant down it was completely amber tips crinkling up. The bud is good as well. I am sending out seeds of Disgust-O to several people and there already out there. This is some sort of crazy skunk for sure. 30 days on the money done. It’s gooey as hell and smell like diaper shit. It’s not a wall walker but just nice when you get close to it or touch it I say YUKKK!!

Here it is the second harvest these were some small popcorn sticky buds smell so good. Im sending hundreds of these beans out to OG folks. The second seed I popped as mentioned was done as well in less than 30.

The other plants in my room are no where near done they all have green white pistils still. Only Disgust-O was complete!

Howards Red (smells like berrys ) and Silver Haze by The Nature Farm, AMAZING bottle O floor cleaner smells it’s only 1/4 the way done. I need pollen


I have thousand seeds if you want some to try they are for sure legit as you can see in the photos. Both plants I flowered timed out the same one small solo cup seed started about the time I began the reveg on June 28 then put it into flower Sep 6 as well it flowered out and was done as well in 29 days got 6 grams or so. Got one harvest and then a second before oct 6 for the original plant and yes I got a cut going now.

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