Photo period plant put outdoors June 1 almost completely flowered June 27

Yes here is the Plant rescued from the wild .
DisgustOflowertop DisgustO3
Close up

As mentioned these are from June 27 after a june 1 planting. I revegged it and got the same result less than 30 days sticky crystals and stinky amber tips. I will keep the plant going and see what happens as it gets more amber. Smells like nasty shitty diapers . Dark time now but Il post a new photo of the revegged plant in the new day. If anyone wants to try a free pack of them to try and test them yourself I will be sending out some this week DM me and let me know. I have about 6 packs left to send out of this initial seed stash I made. For sure a good plant, not sure what the cured bud will be like but I smoked all the fresh flowers and they were decent green.